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Resident of Bethesda, Maryland. Married to Deborah with five children. Employed as a certified public accountant.

Author of American Half-Cents - The Little Half Sisters in 1971. Two thousand copies were printed. A second edition was published in 1982. He made a presentation at the ANS COAC in 1984. The EAC honored Cohen with their annual award in 1990. obit: NUM 103 Sep 1990 page 1504; DOD: SSDI


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20 entries found for [year:1973]

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    K.P. Austin Correspondence 1973

    K.P. Austin Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with K.P. Austin.

    Jack Beymer Correspondence 1973

    Jack Beymer Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Jack Beymer.

    Willard Blaisdell Correspondence 1973

    Willard Blaisdell Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Willard Blaisdell.

    Hugh Campbell Correspondence 1973

    Hugh Campbell Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Hugh Campbell.

    Ray Chatham Correspondence 1973

    Ray Chatham Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Ray Chatham.

    Other Collections 1973

    Other Collections

    Roger Cohen's notes on other half cent collections, including those of Blaisdell, Tettenhorst, Bareford, Ray Chatham, Eric Newman, Showers, Green/Tett, K.P. Austin, Sam Ungar, Ruby Hoard, Weber, Cogan, Guth, and McGuigan.

    Del Bland Correspondence 1973

    Del Bland Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence between Del Bland and Roger Cohen.

    Ron Guth Correspondence 1973

    Ron Guth Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence between Ron Guth and Roger Cohen.

    Material for Penny-Wise 1973

    Material for Penny-Wise

    Roger S. Cohen's working material for Penny-Wise, including half cent coinage of 1799, 1795 half cent struck over a 1796 large cent, list of half cents seen at ANA Convention, draft of article for bottom ten half cents, top ten 1803-1804 C5 half cents, article on 1804 C3 half cent, draft of article on whist match with Jim McGuigan, letter from Jeff Oliphant with tribute to Warren Lapp commemorating 100 issues of Penny-Wise, draft and typed entry for "Sype Says" (12/22/82), letter to Jackson Storm dated 1/8/74 declining participation as a speaker at EAC Convention, letter from Frank Stillinger dated 3/11/83 requesting Cohen to speak at EAC 1983 on May 6 at Sheraton LaGuardia (RSC agrees, with draft of talk "Planchets for Half Cents 1793-1857"), series of letters between Lapp 10/1/85 and Cohen regarding a submission for Penny-Wise that was not well received and ultimately withdrawn ("1984-The Year of the Half Cent").

    Condition Rarity Ratings 1973

    Condition Rarity Ratings

    Folder of drafts and two articles on rarity rating updates of American Half Cents, published in Penny-Wise in 1973 and 1977.

    Pfeffer Articles 1973

    Pfeffer Articles

    Folder with letters on Milton Pfeffer's series of articles for Penny-Wise in the 1970s, with Roger Cohen's and Walter Breen's responses, Lapp correspondence as well as the letter Cohen asked not to be published (and was), that ignited an early controversy.

    Jim McGuigan Correspondence 1973

    Jim McGuigan Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Jim McGuigan.

    Paul Munson Correspondence 1973

    Paul Munson Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Paul Munson.

    Bob Shalowitz Correspondence 1973

    Bob Shalowitz Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Bob Shalowitz.

    Sam Ungar Correspondence 1973

    Sam Ungar Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Sam Ungar.

    Tom Wolf Correspondence 1973

    Tom Wolf Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Tom Wolf.

    Milton Pfeffer Correspondence 1973

    Milton Pfeffer Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Milton Pfeffer.

    Bill Weber Correspondence 1973

    Bill Weber Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Bill Weber.

    Bill Weber Correspondence 1973

    Bill Weber Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Bill Weber.

    R. Tettenhorst Correspondence 1973

    R. Tettenhorst Correspondence

    Correspondence with R. Tettenhorst on a variety of topics.

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