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National Numismatic Collection

The Mint Cabinet was transferred from the U.S. Mint to the Smithsonian, c. 1923. The Smithsonian also holds certain archival materials related to this collection.


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1 entries found for [year:1858]

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    Library of the Numismatic Cabinet of the United States Mint at Philadelphia and Catalog of Specimen Coins, Ores, Medals, etc., in the Cabinet of the United States Mint, Philadelphia 1858

    Library of the Numismatic Cabinet of the United States Mint at Philadelphia and Catalog of Specimen Coins, Ores, Medals, etc., in the Cabinet of the United States Mint, Philadelphia

    This document is a compilation from original sources described as: NARA RG104 E-1 Box 52 letter dated December 24, 1858 from Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to James Ross Snowden, Director of the U.S. Mint. The Library list was sent to the Smithsonian on December 26, 1858. The Catalog of Specimen Coins, Ores, Medals, etc., in the Cabinet of the United States Mint, Philadelphia was prepared in February 1858. This will be found in NARA RG104 E-160.

    Prepared by Roger W. Burdette with transcription by Garrett Ziss.

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