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U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 216, Letters Received from Branch Mints and Assay Offices, 1834-1873)

Letters received from Branch Mints and Assay Offices, 1834-1873.

The National Archives catalog entry is See also the National Archives & Records Administration numismatic finding aids at

Newman Portal acknowledges Roger W. Burdette for sharing documents in this NARA entry.


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1 entries found for [year:1834]

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    Letters sent and received by the Secretary of the Treasury relating to Branch Mints (volume 1) 1834

    Letters sent and received by the Secretary of the Treasury relating to Branch Mints (volume 1)

    U.S. National Archives, record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 216 (branch Mint correspondence), volume 1. Covering July 5, 1834 to December 26, 1836.

    Courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.

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