Eric P. Newman Correspondence (Whitford, Craig A.)
The Eric P. Newman correspondence files begin in the 1930s and extend into the 2010s. Newman generally saved incoming correspondence in addition to copies of outgoing correspondence, and the size of the entire archive is on the order of 50,000 pages. Newman's original classification is retained, including subject files, correspondent files, and assorted files (A-Z). Generally, entries in the assorted files are several pages or less, with larger items transferred to subject or correspondent files as size warranted.
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1 entries found for [year:1988]
Craig A. Whitford Correspondence, 1988-1997
Correspondence between Eric P. Newman and Craig A. Whitford on a variety of topics, including the 1804 dollar, coins scales, counterfeit detectors and more. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published: 1) Photocopies of informational clippings on assorted coin scales.