The San Cristobal collection of silver coins ... [05/12/1962]
Auction Summary
This auction was the first to offer 1715 Fleet treasure coins. It has two paragraph descriptions of the 1715 Fleet wrecks (pages 26 & 28) and contains four dated 8 reales and two dated 4 reales cobs. The catalog also contains a non-shipwreck 1732 Pillar Dollar , Lot #290 which claims to be "probably the finest specimen known". Also included are countermarked and siege pieces of Europe; cut and countermarked coins of the West Indies; Spanish milled dollars from Madrid, Seville, Chihuahua, Cuzco, Durango, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Guatemala, Lima, Nuevo Reino, Popayan, Potosí, Santiago and Zacatecas; the earliest coinage of Mexico including the extremely rare three reales and four reales; the finest and most complete set of Mexican pillar dollars including both the rare 1733 MF and MX; and countermarked, specimen and regular issues of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. An interesting and until posting this on the NNP a dificult piece of auction history to find.
[Item description courtesy of Chriss Hoffman.]