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Sesquicentennial public and mail auction sale ... [12/11-12/1981]

Auction Summary

[Summary information courtesy of Herman Blanton.]

HENRY CHRISTENSEN INC, P. O. Box 1732, Madison, New Jersey 07940.

HENRY CHRISTENSEN INC, 150th Anniversary Sale, sale 79, Tenth Annual New York International Numismatic Convention, December 11 and 12, 1981 

Scheduled for 12/11-12/1981, in Albert Hall of the Sheraton Center Hotel, Seventh Ave at 52nd Street, New York City.

Featuring TREASURES FROM THE LIVERIGHT AND FAISTAUER COLLECTIONS and other consignments. Has 80 pp (unnumbered) of which 31 are full plates numbered I-XXXI, 1104 lots, no prices realized.

William B. Christensen presented a 1-1/2 page company history entitled “HENRY CHRISTENSEN INC., 1832-1982, Our 150th Year.” After the auction lot listing there are two numismatic articles: “The Cayenne Two Sous and the Machine” by Ralph Gordon (3 pp.) and “Some Notes on the Coins of Sarawak, Part Seven, Trial Strikes, Mint Sports, and Counterfeits” by William Wallace Brooke Christensen (2 pp.). At the end of the catalog is the NYINC show schedule for 1981.

The sale offered a broad selection or world coins including 30 lots of China, many Caribbean countermarked and cut pieces, and European siege pieces with emphasis on Netherlands. Also the sale includes a large section of Spain and Spanish Colonial. Lots specially noted by cataloger: 200 Cuba 1915 Gold 20 Pesos Proof; 278 England Oxford mint Charles I Triple Unite 1643.

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