Colonel E. H. R. Green Estate (1941)
Book Summary
Inventory of half dollars and pattern dollars purchased by Eric P. Newman and B. G. Johnson from the estate of Col. E.H.R. Green. In black type, 101 numbered leaves covering half dollars, following by 11 unnumbered pages listing pattern dollars by Adams-Woodin numbers, dated 1864 to 1885. The initial section includes U.S. regular issue half dollars from 1794 to 1935 (pp. 1-81), pattern half dollars (pp. 82-86), Confederates (p. 86), proof Panama-Pacific half dollars (p. 86) Philippines (p. 86), and Washington pieces including the 1792 gold (p. 87). The Nova Constellatio 100 mills piece is also listed on p. 86.
Coins sent on approval follow: Stack's (pp. 88-89), Kelly (pp. 89-99), and approval returns from Elder (pp. 100-101). Various prices are overstamped with violet date stamps indicating sales made by Johnson on behalf of Johnson and Newman.
Date of 1941 is approximate.