David Lisot Video Library (2011)
Multi-Media Summary
Bill Fivaz is one of the country's experts on coin varieties. He shares what collectors want to know about Jefferson nickels, Mercury dimes, Standing Liberty quarters and Franklin halves.
In this video you will see and learn:
* What to look for with Jefferson nickels and what determines full steps, and whether it is 5 step or 6 step
* Full bands on a Mercury dime and close up examples of how to tell the difference between a full split band and merely a split band
* How marks on a step or band affect its designation
* Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Standing Liberty quarters
* What three criteria are necessary for full head designation
* How to tell full bell lines on Franklin halves
* Definition of proof-like and deep mirror proof-like for Morgans
Speaker: Bill Fivaz.