David Lisot Video Library (1990)
Multi-Media Summary
The annexation of the South African state, Transvaal, by Great Britain caused the ?rst Anglo-Boer War of 1880-1881. The Boers won and the Pretoria Convention of 1881 restored full independence to the territory. The discovery of gold at Barerton in 1883, and three years later at Witwatersrand, caused the usual in?ux of population. Trade and internal commercial activity expanded overnight, leading to the cry for local coinage. President Kruger, recognizing the need, granted a banking concession to the National Bank of the South Africa Republic, imposing on its concessionaires the obligation to establish a mint. This presentation focuses on the coins produced by this republic from 1892 to 1902 when it fell to the British via the 2nd Anglo-Boer War. Lecture & slides. Speaker(s): Al Baber.