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Introduction to Early U.S. Paper Currency: 1765 to 1865


Multi-Media Summary

This class is designed for beginning to intermediate students and will divide U.S. paper money into three periods: the end of the colonial period and the Revolution; the obsolete period; and the Civil War, with the introduction of federal issues up to 1865. Examples from the ANA's holdings (including parts of the Bebee collection) will be shown to illustrate the fascinating and important role of paper currency in the early economic development of the United States as well as how such notes can provide a window into the history of the period. Instructors: Richard L. Horst, paper-currency specialist; and Douglas Mudd, museum director, and curator, Edward C. Rochette Money Museum.

Note: this content is not available for full-view on Newman Portal. See the ANA webite (, as of 8/2020) for further info.

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