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The Asylum


Periodical Summary

Autumn 2022 issue. Vol. 40, no. 3.  Note, full-view is not available, contact for further information.


Mike Costanzo, "Etched in Steel but not Paper: The Lack of Writings from the Chief Engravers of the Mint"

Brad Karoleff, "Bibliofiles"

David Fanning, "Frossard’s Sale 78: The Trivulzio Library, Part II"

Douglas Ward, "Enigmatic Numismystique: The Numismatist Purchase of 1908—Labor and Love"

Joel Orosz, "ASSOCIATIONS: Autographs • Annotations • Inscriptions Charles Ira Bushnell’s Flandin’s Catalogue of Coins and Medals: Part III, The Daniel E. Groux Broadside Sale, February 15, 1856"

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