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Letters Received by Mint Headquarters


Book Summary

Letters Received by Mint Headquarters, January 1904 - March 1904. Only documents relating to the coinage mints, New York Assay Office Cashier's Daily Statements, and general correspondence have been digitized. The following document types have been omitted for all small assay offices:

Daily Statement of Receipts and Payments.

Statement of Checks Drawn by the Assayer in Charge.

Statement of Gold and Silver Domestic Production.

Statement of Deposits and Purchases of Gold and Silver Bullion.

Statement of Deposits of Foreign Bullion.

Deposits and Purchases of Uncurrent God and Silver US Coins.

Statement of Gold and Silver Bars Manufactured.

Other routine correspondence except papers relating to criminal acts.

Scanned from National Archive & Records Adminisration, record Group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 229 (Letters Recevied by Mint Headquarters), box 209, courtesy of Roger Burdette.

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