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NumismaTalks - Coins of the Hasmonean Kings


Multi-Media Summary

This illustrated talk will feature the coins of the Hasmonean rulers. The Hasmonean Dynasty began in Judaea with the sons of Mattathias the Hasmonean revolting against Seleucid rule (167-160 BCE). One of his sons was Judah (nicknamed 'the Maccabee' [the hammer). The Hasmoneans struck an extensive series of bronze coins beginning with John Hyrcanus I beginning around 132 BCE and ending with Mattathias Antigonus whose lost his kingdom to Herod I in 27 BCE, three years after Herod was named King in Rome.

Note, this video is not available with full-view on NNP. The ANA copy may be accessed at (link verified 8/2023).

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