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The British Treasury; Being Cabinet The First Of Our Greek And Roman Antiquities Of All Sorts. Never Before Printed. Drawn, Engraven, And Describ’D By Nicholas Haym, A Roman. Vol. I. [BOUND WITH] An Abridgement Of The Second Volume Of The British Treasury; Containing Greek And Roman Medals. Of All Sorts. Drawn, Engraven, And Describ’D By Nicholas Haym, A Roman. Vol. II


Book Summary

Haym’s Treasury of Greek & Roman Coins Haym, Nicholas. THE BRITISH TREASURY; BEING CABINET THE FIRST OF OUR GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES OF ALL SORTS. NEVER BEFORE PRINTED. DRAWN, ENGRAVEN, AND DESCRIB’D BY NICHOLAS HAYM, A ROMAN. VOL. I. [BOUND WITH] AN ABRIDGEMENT OF THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE BRITISH TREASURY; CONTAINING GREEK AND ROMAN MEDALS. OF ALL SORTS. DRAWN, ENGRAVEN, AND DESCRIB’D BY NICHOLAS HAYM, A ROMAN. VOL. II. London: Printed in the year 1719 & 1720. 4to, later full tan morocco; spine with four raised bands, lettered in brown; brown endpapers. (2), xi, (1), 157, (1) + v, (1), 86 pages; 27 engraved plates of coins throughout second volume; woodcut headpieces and initials. Some browning; generally near fine. The somewhat abridged English-language edition of the author’s Tesoro, featuring 27 engraved plates of illustrations. Frequently encountered bound with the Italian original (vide supra). Dekesel H164. Hirsch 59. Lipsius 178.
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