Vaillant, Joannes (1743)
Book Summary
Vaillant, Joannes. NUMISMATA IMPERATORUM ROMANORUM PRÆSTANTIORA ... A JULIO CÆSARE AD POSTUMUM USQUE. TOMUS TERTIUS. Fourth edition. Romæ: Sumtibus Caroli Barbiellini, & Venantii Monaldini Sociorum in Via lata, Typis Jo: Baptistæ Bernabò, & Josephi Lazzarini, 1743. Third volume only. 4to, somewhat later quarter vellum; spine labeled in gilt; all page edges speckled red. viii, 372 pages; title printed in red and black with finely engraved title vignette; engraved initial, headpiece and tailpieces throughout; a number of fine engravings of coins and medals in the text. Moderate discoloration; generally clean and crisp. Near fine, overall. A nice copy of the final volume of the best edition of this classic work, perhaps the author's most notable contribution to numismatics. Jean Foy Vaillant is considered to be the outstanding numismatic scholar of the late 17th and early 18th century, not only in France but throughout Europe. He traveled widely in search of unpublished ancient coins and medals for the royal numismatic collection under Colbert to Italy (no fewer than twelve times), Greece, Holland, England and, later in life, to Egypt and Persia. The handsomely produced 1743 edition of Numismata imperatorum romanorum (of which this is the final volume) was revised and edited by J.F. Baldini. Renauldin considers it to be "incomparablement meilleure que la première." Babelon 99. Bassoli 29. Brunet 29818: "Ouvrage très estimé." Cicognara 3031. Dekesel F170. Hirsch 132. Lipsius 409.