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Inedita Meiner Sammlung Autonomer Altgriechischer Münzen


Book Summary

Prokesch-Osten, Anton Freiherrn v. Inedita meiner Sammlung autonomer altgriechischer Münzen. Vienna 1859. 35 pages, 4 plates of engravings. 4to (24x30.5cm), brown full leather, spine with 4 raised bands, dark brown letters. Binding scuffed, plates with minor foxing at margins. Very Good. Leitzmann 108 A note from BCD: The obvious preference Prokesch-Osten had for the autonomous Greek city coinages is already evident in this fascinating publication. But he would not shy away from the East either; he traveled through Russia and Turkey in the 1830's, hence the detailed write-up of his Seleucid and Parthian material.
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