Selecta Numismata Antiqua, Ex Museo Petri Seguini, S. Germani Autissiodorensis Paris. Decani, Eiusdem Observationibus Illustrata. Editio Altera Emendatior, & Plurimis Rarissimis Nummis Auctior
Seguin, Petri (1684)
Book Summary
4to, contemporary or slightly later full brown speckled calf; spine with five raised bands, richly decorated in gilt; red spine label, gilt; all board edges hatched in gilt; all page edges speckled. (8), 419, (5) pages; woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials; fine engravings of coins in the text. Binding a bit worn at spine; very good or better. The third edition of this very elusive work, first published in 1665. Babelon 103: ...Pierre Seguin, Dean of Saint-Germain liAuxerrois, whom Charles Patin called eone of the most knowledgeable and industrious collectors of our century. The quality of his coin cabinet, his antiques, and his manuscripts earned him the nickname ethe dictator of antiquaries; and every Wednesday, a kind of numismatic society, called the Academie de medaillistes, met at his home. Vaillant, his pupil, published a selection of coins from his collection, which was bought by Louis XIV. The final edition of this very elusive work, comprising a description of coins in the author's cabinet, accompanied by substantial numismatic essays by Seguin and his colleagues, including tracts on gods and goddesses, famous Roman Republican and Imperial coins, coins of Apamea, and other kindred topics. Banduri (1719) 76-77. Breckmann (1729) 125-126. Dekesel S130. Hirsch 118-119. Lipsius 367-368. Van Damme 418.