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Kappen, Charles

Born in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Married Nora Elizabeth Wood January 15, 1931. They had a son and a daughter. Received B.A. from University of Arkansas in 1933 and M.A. from University of Wisconsin in 1947. Employed as a newspaper editor 1927 to 1942. Served in U. S. Army 1942 to 1946 and again 1951 to 1953. He rose to the rank of major and received the Bronze Star.

Assistant professor at University of Wisconsin 1946 to 1947, University of Tulsa (OK) 1947 to 1948, San Jose State College 1948 to 1951. Associate professor at San Jose State 1951 to 1959 and professor after 1959.

Resident of San Jose, California. Served on the board of California State Numismatic Association 1949 to 1962, as president 1963 to 1965 and as editor of Calcoin News, the club newsletter, 1949 to 1962. President of the San Jose Coin Club 1950 to 1951.

Author with Ralph Mitchell of Depression Scrip of the United States. Period of the 1930's in 1961. Author with Harold Hibler of So-Called Dollars in 1963. Author of California Tokens in 1976. He was named a Numismatic News Numismatic Ambassador in 1979.

He died in San Jose, California.

bio: ConAut 9-12R; DAS obit: NN 10/19/99 (photo)


1 entries found

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    Depression Scrip of the United States: Period of the 1930s. States A through I 1961

    Depression Scrip of the United States: Period of the 1930s. States A through I

    Depression Scrip of the United States: Period of the 1930s. States A through I by Charles V. Kappen and Ralph A. Mitchell. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

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