Collet, Mark
Married to Rosalie Jane Donath with three clildren. Physician in Camden, New Jersey.
Union Colonel during the Civil War. He died during the battle of Salem Church.
He was one of the founding members of the Philadelphia Numismatic Society. He devised a scale for measuring diameter with each unit represeting 1/16 inch. Co-author of Catalogue of American Store Cards &c… with a long title.
1 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 1Catalogue of American store cards &c., with space for marking the condition, price, rarity, &c. of each piece; designed for the use and convenience of collectors.
Copy from the ANS Library.
Published by the Numismatic Society of Philadelphia and distributed by Edward Cogan. Q. David Bowers notes in American Numismatics Before the Civil War (p. 88): "Apparently Hodge and his co-authors ventured in territory beyond their collective expertise, for the study, begun in 1858, was wildly condemned as useless."
See also George F. Kolbe, Auction Sale One Hundred: Part 3, lot 473 (June 3, 2006).