Kidder, Robert
Author, The Contribution of Daniel Fowle to New Hampshire Printing, 1756-1787.
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Displaying records 1 — 1The Contribution of Daniel Fowle to New Hampshire Printing, 1756-1787
It was while preparing a term paper, entitled "Daniel Fowle: Patriot and Pioneer Printer," that the writer realized that no comprehensive history of the career of Daniel Fowle, New Hampshire's pioneer printer, nor, indeed, of any member of the Fowle family of printers, had been written.
Although much information on the printing and publishing activities of Daniel and Zechariah Fowle in Boston and on the history of the presses of Dnaiel Fowle and his nephews, Robert-Luist and Zechariah Fowle, in Portsmouth and Exeter, New Hampshire, was available in various scattered sources, it was evident the chief source for most of the printed accounts of the Fowles was that basic history for students of colonial printing -- Isaiah Thomas' History of Printing in America.
[Doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Illinois, 1960. Daniel Fowle was one of the printers of New Hampshire colonial currency.]