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Eckhel, Abbe (Joseph)

Author of Kurzgefasste Anfangsgründe Zur Alten Numismatik1788.


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    Kurzgefasste Anfangsgründe Zur Alten Numismatik 1788

    Kurzgefasste Anfangsgründe Zur Alten Numismatik

    Eckhel’s Introductory Guide Eckhel, Abbe (Joseph). KURZGEFASSTE ANFANGSGRÜNDE ZUR ALTEN NUMISMATIK. Wien: bey Joseph Edlen von Kurzbek, (1788). Small 8vo [19 by 12.25 cm], somewhat later tan boards; spine ruled in gilt; red spine label, gilt; all page edges green. (8), 133, (1) pages; 6 well-engraved large folding plates of ancient coins. Fine. The only single-volume general work on ancient coins written by Father Eckhel. Joseph Hilarius Eckhel (1737–1798) has been justly regarded as the “father of ancient numismatics” and his Doctrina numorum veterum as the major exposition of his principles. “With him began a new era in the study of ancient numismatics: rigid scientific methods entered the field of research supplementing the usual approach of the amateur. For the first time in its history the basic elements of ancient Greek and Roman numismatics—metals, ponderal systems, organization of mints, significance of coin-types, coins in their relation to the history of art—are amply discussed.”—Clain-Stefanelli, Numismatics, page 29. This general guide to ancient numismatics is little known today, though it was a welcome contribution at the time and appeared in various translations. Babelon 131. Dekesel E38 (giving the publication date as 1787). Lipsius 110.

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