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Ebner, Julius

Author of Württembergische Münzund Medaillen-kunde. Band I Und Band Ii (1910) with Christian Binder.


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    Württembergische Münzund Medaillen-kunde. Band I Und Band Ii 1910

    Württembergische Münzund Medaillen-kunde. Band I Und Band Ii

    Two volumes, complete, bound in one. 4to, slightly later green cloth, gilt; original printed front card cover of Band II bound in. iv, (2), 292, (2) + 164 pages; 28 fine doublepage plates. Very good or better. The best edition of both parts of Julius Ebner’s updated revision of Christian Binder’s 1846 classic work, covering the coins and medals of Württemberg since the 14th century. The second part is much less frequently encountered than the first. Clain-Stefanelli 9630*. Grierson 152.

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