Anepigraphic. Without inscription or legend; void of any lettering; mute. Anepigraphic pieces have designs but no lettering and are opposite of typographic (all lettering and no design) and these terms may be applied to one or both sides of a major class of anepigraphic medals, however, they do present a challenge to their designers who must convey the entire concept pictorially without caption or legend. Two issues of The Society of Medallists, for example, are entirely anepigraphic: Issues number 77 and 85.
Anepigraphic items present a challenge in cataloging. Identification must be done by the pictorial elements alone, by iconography. This is particularly troublesome if the item bears a portrait. Is it generic? Is it someone specific even if not identified? (This gives rise to such descriptions as "portrait of a man in a hat.") The texture, fabric – the workmanship – may give a hint, but the cataloger must have wide numismatic experience to successfully identify anepigraphic items. The French term type muet means both lettering and a portrait are lacking on the numismatic item; making identification even more difficult.excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor