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Artifact.  Objects of a previous culture made by man. In a sense all numismatic and medallic items become artifacts but of particular interest in the medallic field are the metal artifacts of the past that are sometimes made into new medallic items.  See relic metal.

Artificial Toning.  An unnatural and accelerated process of darkening the surface of a bright metal object. Toning is usually performed after the metal object has been cleaned, bright dipped or inexpertly treated; the resulting bright untarnished surface is not only unstable (called activated ssurface), it is also displeasing to the eye. Artificial toning is accomplished by commercial toners, certain chemicals, formulas or by homespun remedies (like inserting a freshly cleaned coin in a raw potato and allowing it to remain for several days). Such toning is not a patina finish and varies widely in degree of permanency and attractiveness. See tone, toning.

                                                                                                     CLASS 09.2


excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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