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Brush Finish

Brush Finish.  Patina finish prepared with the use of brushes – bristle brush, scratch brush, bristle wheel, wire wheel – in combination with chemical solutions. A majority of patina finishes require some form of brushing, either by hand or with a power brush. The function of the brush is to work the patina solution into the surface of the object being patinated. In handwork the operator keeps the solution in motion and can control the color and evenly distribute it on the surface of the piece. This can be speeded up by the use of the motorized wheel where the piece is frequently dipped into the solution. The wire wheel is the most positive action of this kind. Many cold immersion techniques require some form of brushing action to affect the patina. Brushes are also used with sulphide solutions, most such commercial solutions, relieving operations and all scratch brush finishes.

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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