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Copy.  A piece; a specimen generally assumed not to be an original. When the word is on a numismatic item it means it has been replicated from an earlier issue or state.  See copies and replicas.

In the United States, the Hobby Protection Act of 1973 requires all such replicas to bear the word "copy." The word must be:  (1) permanently marked, (2) in capital letters, (3) in English, (4) on obverse or reverse, but not on the edge, (5) of a size not less than 2mm tall and 6mm wide. It must appear on all such replicas made after date of enactment, November 29, 1973.

The word "copy" on a worn numismatic item should not be confused with

"copyright" which appears on a number of medallic items so protected.

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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