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Fingerprint Technology

Fingerprint Technology.  Hand work in which cutting, carving, shaping is all accomplished by hand in contrast to mechanical (or computer) controlled manufacture. The handwork can be considered the hand crafting, and the leaving of fingerprints on the item, hence the term. For most of the history of coin and medal manufacture it was accomplished by handworking patterns, dies, tools and presses. Even when the die-engraving pantograph came into widespread use (with mechanically controlled milling of the design) there was still handwork required to put these dies into production.

At the end of the 20th century where laser cutting is in the offering, and computers are programmed to control much of the mechanical work, less fingerprint technology is required. Perhaps in the future such handwork technology will become entirely obsolete.

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


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