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Lacquered, Lacquering

Lacquered, Lacquering.  The applying – by spraying, dipping or brushing – of a fine coat of lacquer to metallic surfaces. Spraying is the best method for uniform thickness; dipping results in a thicker coat, the excess must be drained; brushing is sometimes difficult to eliminate brush strokes.  See lacquer.

Lacquer Stick.  A form of solid lacquer which when rubbed over a heated metal object with incuse areas will melt the lacquer, it flows into the incuse areas to give them color. As the metal cools the colored lacquer hardens and is retained in the crevices. Lacquer sticks are available commercially in black, white, red, orange, blue, green, yellow, silver and gold colors. This is one form of fill-in (others are monogram filler, champlevé and enamel paint). See fill-in.

CLASS 09.6

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excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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