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Plasteline.  A superior kind of modeling clay, a pliable material used by sculptors to form the three-dimensional oversize model of a medallic or numismatic design for pantographic reduction. Of the four kinds of plasteline available, the very firm is best for small reliefs, particularlly highly detailed models like coin and medal models (other kinds range in softness for larger models). Plasteline does not harden and is composed of tallow, wax or petroleum greases mixed with fine-grain clay. It can be colored, the most popular is gray-green.  See modeling. Plasteline is pronounced PLASS-ta-lean. Plastilina is the trademark name of a brand of plasteline (trademark owned

by F. Weber Co., Philadelphia); plasticine was formerly a trademarked modeling clay but is now a generic term (not capitalized).

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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