Riband Circlet or Ribbon Circlet
Riband Circlet or Ribbon Circlet. A design element completely encircling a center device, as a narrow band or belt which usually contains a motto or other lettering. Riband circlets are popular design elements in coat of arms and on decorations where the circlet sometimes has a design like a buckle at the bottom of the ribbon as if tieing the ends of the ribbon together. So important is this band of lettering that it is seldom found without some wording. Most numismatic writers prefer to retain the early spelling "riband" since it was used thusly for so many years. However, "ribbon circlet," particularly in America, is just as correct.
Illustrated is a medal issued 1969 by the Franklin Mint for the Prince Charles Investiture in their Britannia Commemorative Society series. The riband circlet encloses the letter C, Charles personal cypher, otherwise it is unusual to have so much openwork with the circlet. As per custom the riband has a motto and is affixed at the bottom, with loose riband end hanging down. The crown at the top, of course, is not a part of the riband circlet. The medal was designed by British artist John Brooke-Little.excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor