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Single-sided.  A uniface cast medallic item. The backside or reverse of a single-sided item may be smooth, rough, have depressed areas congruent with the high relief of the obverse (called cast hollow), or have a surface of ripples and rounded edges typical of an open mold casting. The back side may also have a backplate. The reverse often has a maker’s mark, a foundry mark or hallmarking, or, the item can have a hanger for wall mounting. The term is applied only to cast pieces (a one-sided struck piece is called uniface). Cast medallic items with both obverse and reverse designs are said to be double-sided.

In cataloging, if the piece is identified as a cast and only one side is described, it is not necessary to specify the item is single-sided (that is obvious). Otherwise if no description is given the piece is called single-sided.

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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