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Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1757 April 12

£10,000 as the Fifth War Issue of Bills of Credit was authorized by the Mar. 21, 1757 Act to be legal tender until April 12, 1762 and to be invalid after Oct. 12, 1762. The weight equivalent in silver is the same as provided for prior issues. See July 2, 1746 issue for denominational symbols. Faces of the £6 are in red and black and of the others in red. Sage leaf backs are printed in black except the £6, which is in green. Printed by James Parker. Signers were Hugh Hartshorne, Joseph Hollinshead, A. Johnston, Samuel Nevill, Samuel Smith, and John Smyth.

Collector Arthur Sherwood (12/2021) further noted signers Simmons and S. Garrison (spelling not definite for either), on a £3 note.

15s Plate letters A & B [1,334]
30s Plate letters A, B, C & D [2,000]
£3 Plate letters A & B [1,000]
£6 [500]

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