Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1762 April 8
£30,000 as the Thirteenth War Issue of Bills of Credit was authorized at session ended Mar. 10, 1762 to be legal tender until Nov. 1, 1780 & invalid after May 1, 1781. The weight equivalent in silver is the same as for prior issues. See July 2, 1746 issue for denominational symbols. Face of £6 in red & blue and other faces in red & black. Backs are in black. Printed by James Parker. Signers were A. Johnston, Samuel Nevill, Thomas Rodman, S. Skinner, & Samuel Smith.
12s Plate letters A & B [1,600]15s Plate letters A & B [4,084]
30s Plate letters A, B, C & D [5,850] ▷CF◁
£3 Plate letters A & B [3,330] ▷CF◁
£6 [1,219]