Early Paper Money of America / Virginia / 1776 May 6 Ordinance
£100,000 ($333,333) in legal tender Treasury Bills was issued, authorized on May 6, 1776 and redeemable by Jan. 1, 1784. Cast cuts from the July 17, 1775 small size issue were shifted and modified for corresponding shilling denominations and new border cuts and new State Arms were prepared for the dollar denominations by Robert Scot. The reverse of a Spanish milled Dollar was used as an insignia on one denomination of this and the next three State issues. Printed by Alexander Purdie on heavy rag paper containing blue fibers and mica flakes. The original engraved sections for the 20s denomination exist at Colonial Williamsburg. Signers were Thomas Davis, John Dixon, John Carter Littlepage, Richard Morris, John H. Norton, Blovet Pasteur, and George Seaton. One signer appears for the four lowest denominations and two signers for the others.
$1/6 (1s) [24,561]1s3d PISTEREEN misspelled. “and” [6,667]
1s3d PISTEREEN misspelled. “&” [6,667]
$1/3 (2s) [24,561]
2s6d SIXPENCE [6,667]
2s6d Six Pence [6,666]
5s [10,000]
7s6d [10,000]
10s [10,000]
12s6d [10,000]
20s FOWR CROWNS misspelled [1,000]
$4 (24s) [24,561]
$5 (30s) Spanish Dollar insignia [24,561]
£2 [1,000]
£3 [1,000]
£4 [1,000]