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Early Paper Money of America / Virginia / 1778 May 4 Act with Printed Date

The unissued balance of $600,000 of the prior issue of Treasury Bills. Newly engraved cuts for borders as well as State insignia. A two-letter control system in the upper left hand corner was introduced and constitutes the first use in America of series designations in combination with numbering of paper money. The date was typeset and inserted into the cast cuts of the engraved text. The spelling of TYRANNUS on the Arms in prior issues was corrected to TYRANNIS in the new cuts. Printed both on thick rag paper containing blue fibers and on thin laid paper. A. Purdie started the printing and after his death, Clarkson & Davis. Signers were L. Wood and James Wray. One signer appears on the $7 denomination and below and two on the higher denominations. Preliminary proof engraved by Robert Scot.


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