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Early Paper Money of America / Connecticut / 1740 May 8

£30,000 in legal tender New Tenor Bills of Credit issued pursuant to the May 1740 Act for mortgage loans, etc. New Tenor value was set at 3 1/2 Old Tenor for 1 New Tenor and equivalent to silver at 8 shillings per ounce. The three lowest denominations are wide and the others are tall. The faces are engraved and the backs typeset. Printed by Timothy Green. The word "and" before the words "in the Treasury" was struck out on the face before signing because of the Crown's requirements, changing the legal tender and redemption status. These bills used the same signers as the prior issue.

4s ▷RM◁ Fine $6,325 Stack’s May 2004 
7s Seaven
20s ▷CF◁
£3 ▷CF◁

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