Early Paper Money of America / Maryland / 1780 October 17 Act
$24,000 (£5,400 Sterling) were issued in small denomination bills to exchange for larger denominations of the June 8, 1780 issue pursuant to the Oct. 17, 1780 Act. The backs are similar to the June 8, 1780 issue. These were printed by Frederick Green. The signers were John Callahan and Thomas Johnson, Jr.
$1/15 (6d) [45,000]
$1/10 (9d) [45,000]
$1/6 (15d) [45,000]
$1/5 (18d) [45,000]
$1/15 (6d) [45,000]
$1/10 (9d) [45,000]
$1/6 (15d) [45,000]
$1/5 (18d) [45,000]