Early Paper Money of America / Pennsylvania / 1759 April 25
£100,000 in legal tender Bills issued pursuant to the April 17, 1759 Act and good until Mar. 1, 1767. This and all prior issues were extended until Oct. 15, 1769. Similar in form to the Jan. 1, 1756 issue, the two highest denominations are printed on both face and back in red and black by Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. The number of Crowns is keyed to each of the four lowest denominations. See August 10, 1739 issue for spelling and type style variations. Signers are included under the May 1, 1760 issue.
5s Plate letters A & B, Pensilvania [10,000]
10s Plate letters A & B, Pennsilvania. Mirror image “S” on columns [10,000]
15s Plate letters A & B, Pennsylvania [10,000]
20s Plate letters A & B, Pensylvania [10,000]
50s Plate letters C & D, Pensylvania [10,000]
£5 Plate letters A & B, Pennsylvania [10,000]