Early Paper Money of America / New Hampshire / 1775 June 20
£10,050 in indented Treasury Notes authorized by the June 9, 1775 Resolve of the New Hampshire Provincial Congress and payable on Dec. 20, 1776, Dec. 20, 1777 or Dec. 20, 1778 with 6% interest. Engraved on copper and printed on laid paper by Paul Revere. The paper has a watermark of a crown over GR (Georgius Rex) Similar in style to the Massachusetts Bay issues of May 25, 1775 and July 8, 1775. The last numeral of the due date was written in ink in the body of the text. These notes are referred to as “Copperplate notes” in the Act of June 21, 1794. Signers were Nicholas Gilman and E. Thompson. Mendes I. Cohen, a collector of American colonial bills, arranged about 1850 for the State of New Hampshire to permit him to make reprints on thick and thin paper after first having the left side vignette on the original existing copper plate modified by engraving extra twigs (1s & 40s), bare branches (6s) or a bottom border addition (20s).
The places for signatures, serial numbers and unfilled numerals in the engraved text dates were left blank on the reprints.
1s Three due date varieties. Large tree [3,000] ▷RP◁
6s Three due date varieties. Squirrel in tree [3,000] ▷RP◁
20s Three due date varieties. Two leaf designs [3,000] ▷RP◁
40s Three due date varieties. Tree with crossed trunks [3,000] ▷RP◁
The places for signatures, serial numbers and unfilled numerals in the engraved text dates were left blank on the reprints.
1s Three due date varieties. Large tree [3,000] ▷RP◁
6s Three due date varieties. Squirrel in tree [3,000] ▷RP◁
20s Three due date varieties. Two leaf designs [3,000] ▷RP◁
40s Three due date varieties. Tree with crossed trunks [3,000] ▷RP◁