Early Paper Money of America / New York / 1746 May 10
£13,000 in legal tender Bills of Credit approved on May 3, 1746 for defense and to be redeemed by January, 1749. Similar to the previous issue but with the side border and the Arms interchanged. The denomination has been moved back inside the Arms. Lines defacing both border designs of the £5 and £10 denominations were continued as in the two prior issues. The issue was recalled on Oct. 27, 1755 because of counterfeits. Printed by James Parker. Signers were Henry Cruger, Robert Livingston, Jr., Paul Richard, and Cornelius Van Horne.
£2 [650]
£3 [650] ▷CF◁
£5 [650] Extremely Fine $6,900 Stack’s May, 2004
£10 [650] Very Good $1,265 Stack’s May, 2004
£2 [650]
£3 [650] ▷CF◁
£5 [650] Extremely Fine $6,900 Stack’s May, 2004
£10 [650] Very Good $1,265 Stack’s May, 2004