Early Paper Money of America / North Carolina / 1783 May 17 Act
£100,000 ($250,000) in legal tender Bills payable in Spanish Dollars and authorized by May 17, 1783 Act. Printed from border and vignette cuts and set type by Thomas Davis at Halifax. Typeset backs. Signers were John Hunt and Benjamin McCulloch. See circulation and redemption history under December 29, 1785 issue.
6d Bird [20,000]
1s [10,000]
2s Corinthian column. IN RECTO DECUS (Honor in the right) [40,000]
5s Flag of 13 stripes and a union with 13 stripes. FLAG OF NO CAR [20,000] ▷CF◁
10s Ships. COMMERCIO (Commerce) [20,000] ▷CF◁
20s Justice. DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY [20,000] ▷CF◁
20s Crown and book [20,000] ▷CF◁
40s Angel Gabriel and church [20,000] ▷CF◁
6d Bird [20,000]
1s [10,000]
2s Corinthian column. IN RECTO DECUS (Honor in the right) [40,000]
5s Flag of 13 stripes and a union with 13 stripes. FLAG OF NO CAR [20,000] ▷CF◁
10s Ships. COMMERCIO (Commerce) [20,000] ▷CF◁
20s Justice. DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY [20,000] ▷CF◁
20s Crown and book [20,000] ▷CF◁
40s Angel Gabriel and church [20,000] ▷CF◁