NNP Library //Power Search
Searchable Fields
ItemContent | Contains the text of a page, metadata for an item, etc. String Value. |
Title | Title of the item. String Value. |
SearchDate | The publication/creation year of an item. Integer value |
Author | Author of the item. String value. |
Publisher | Publisher of a book, or in the case of an auction catalog, the Auction Company. |
All field names are case sensitive |
Search Operators
Boolean |
AND OR NOT + - Title: Numismatist AND Title: Gene. The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. Title: Numismatist OR Title: Gene. The OR operator matches documents where either term exist anywhere in the text of a single document. Title: Numismatist NOT Title:Gene. The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT Title: (Numismatist -Gene). The "-" or prohibit operator excludes documents that contain the term after the "-" symbol. Title: (Numismatist +Gene). The "+" or required operator requires that the term after the "+" symbol exist somewhere in a the field of a single document. Boolean Operators must be all caps |
Numeric |
SearchYear: 1987 - Exact match SearchYear: [1920 TO 1930] - Exclusive range query SearchYear: {1920 TO 1930} - Inclusive range query SearchDate: {0 TO 1860} - Search dates up to 1860 The keyword TO is case sensitive |
Text |
Title: "The Numismatist" - Exact Match (Phrase search) Title: Numismatist - Contains Numismatist Title: (Numismatist Gene Newman) - Contains any of the words specified |
Widcards |
? - perform a single character wildcard search * - perform a multi character wildcard search ~ - To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. Example roam~ will find terms like foam and roams Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search. |
Grouping |
Title: (Numismatist AND Gene) Title: Numismatist AND ItemContent:(Washington OR Franklin) |
Example Searches
Search for "Washington" in ItemContent | ItemContent:Washington |
Search for "Washington" in ItemContent with the title "The Numismatist" | Title:"The Numismatist" AND ItemContent:Washington |
Search for items published between the years of 1920 to 1930 containing "Washington"" | SearchDate:{1920 TO 1930} AND ItemContent:Washington |
Search for Author: Baker and ItemContent: Washington | Author:Baker AND ItemContent:Washington |
Search for Publisher Stacks-Bowers Galleries and Title contains Philadelphia | Publisher: "Stacks-Bowers Galleries" AND Title:Philadelphia |
Search for Washington Before Boston medals in Stack's sales: | ItemContent:"Washington Before Boston" AND Publisher:Stacks |
Find "corn" and exclude results from Harper’s Weekly | ItemContent:corn AND NOT Title:Harper |
Find "rotated" in the Gobrecht Journal | ItemContent:rotated AND Title:Gobrecht Journal |
Phrase search | ItemContent:"In God We Trust" |