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Coinage of Americas Conference Proceedings

The Coinage of Americas Conference (COAC) Proceedings draw together like-themed research on a variety of topics in American numismatics.  Sponsored by the American Numismatic Society (ANS), the first formal conference, America's Copper Coinage, took place in 1985.  The forerunner of the series is a group of papers gathered in Studies on Money in Early America (1976).  The regular series is listed below. NNP acknowledges Mark Borckardt for contributing to the series metadata.

1985. America's copper coinage, 1783-1857. COAC no. 1.
1985. America's currency, 1789-1866. COAC no. 2.
1987. America's silver coinage, 1794-1891. COAC no. 3.
1988. (Stahl, Alan M., ed.) The medal in America. COAC no. 4.
1989. (Bischoff, William L., ed.) The coinage of El Perú. COAC no. 5.
1990. (Metcalf, William E., ed.) America's gold coinage. COAC no. 6.
1992. (Kleeberg, John M., ed.) Money of pre-federal America. COAC no. 7.
1994. (Kleeberg, John M., ed.) Canada's money. COAC no. 8.
1995. (Kleeberg, John M., ed.) America's silver dollars. COAC no. 9.
1995. (Doty, Richard G., ed.) The token: America's other money. COAC no. 10.
1996. (Mossman, Philip L., ed.) Coinage of the American confederation period. COAC no. 11.
1998. (Kleeberg, John M., ed.) America's large cent. COAC no. 12.
1999. (Stahl, Alan M., ed.) The medal in America, volume 2. COAC no. 13.
2000. (Kleeberg, John M., ed.) Circulating counterfeits of the Americas. COAC no. 14.
2006. (Doty, Richard G. and John M. Kleeberg, eds.) Money of the Caribbean. COAC no. 15.
2009. (Hoover, Oliver D., ed.) Newby's St. Patrick Coinage. COAC no. 16.


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1 entries found for [year:1988]

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    The Medal In America (COAC #4) 1988

    The Medal In America (COAC #4)

    Articles as follows:

    Bartle, Dorothy Budd – John Cotton Dana and the Ideal Museum Collection of Medals
    Freundlich, August L. – The Coins and Medals of James Earle Fraser
    Fuld, George J. and Barry D. Tayman – The Montreal and Happy While United Indian Peace Medals
    Gimeno, Javier – The Spanish Medal in America
    Hassler, Donna J. – The Medals of John Flanagan
    Korshak, Yvonne – The Winds of Libertas: Augustin Dupre’s Libertas Americana
    Leotti, Elain J. – The American Woman Medalist, A Critical Survey
    Noble, Joseph Veach – The Society of Medalists
    Quarcoopome, Ebenezer Nii – The Indian Peace Medal of King George I
    Richman, Michael – The Medals of Daniel Chester French
    Sam, Cynthia Kennedy – Bela Lyon Pratt (1867-1917): Medals, Medallions, and Coins
    Vermeule, Cornelius – Medallic and Marble memorials: Mint to Mausoleum in Victorian America

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