The journal of Early American Coppers, Inc., popularly known as "EAC," Penny-Wise presents the latest research on the early large cents and half cents of the United States. EAC was founded in 1967 and is one of premier specialty clubs in American numismatics. See for further information on EAC.
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4 entries found for [year:2021]
Displaying records 1 — 4Penny-Wise
January 2021. Vol. 55, no. 1, whole no. 303. Original articles:
Bill Eckberg, "Early Copper Reverses, Part 2: 1793-1807"
Ray Rouse, "Taking Advantage of Billionaires"
Lou Alfonso, "On the 1807 Large Cent S-271 Comet Variety"
Frank Wilkinson, "First and Second Restrike Half Cent Dies"
April 2021. Vol. 55, no. 2, whole no. 304.
Original articles:
Bill Eckberg, "How Many 1796-Dated Half Cents Were Coined?"
Craig Sholley, John Dannreuther, and William Eckberg, "The Braided Hair Half Cent Reverses, 1840-1857"
Craig Sholley and John Dannreuther, "The First and Second Proof Half Cent Restrike Reverses"
Lou Alfonso, "Early Coin Dealer Tokens"
Robert L. Fagaly, "The Road to Completion: Large Cent Collections"
July 2021. Vol. 55, no. 3, whole no. 305. Original articles:
Bill Eckberg, "The Hubbed 1798 Reverses"
Lou Alfonso, "Early Coin Dealer Tokens, Part II"
David Consolo, "Because Someone Has To"
October 2021. Vol. 55, no. 4, whole no. 306. Original articles:
Harry E. Salyards, "Two Important 1793 Electrotypes: Copies of the Fewsmith S-12 and the Mickley S-14 with a Correction to the Ownership Chain of the Fewsmith Coin"
Lou Alfonso, "Collecting by Provenance: Who Was Oscar J. Pearl?"
Craig Sholley, "James Jarvis and the Fugio Cent Fiasco"