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Steigerwalt, Charles [Fixed Price List]

Fixed price lists issued by the Lancaster, PA dealer Charles Steigerwalt, from 1885 to 1911.

See also the Kolbe & Fanning sale of January 2013, lot 251, for the John Eshbach collection of Steigerwalt FPLs, as well as the group in the Champa I sale (Bowers and Merena, November 1994), lots 513-525 (acquired by Dan Hamelberg).

A number of undated, unattributed issues are listed under the year 1910. This series is bibliographically challenging as many of the FPLs are undated, or unlisted in the Adams reference.


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2 entries found for [year:1899]

Displaying records 1 — 2
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    American Medals. [Fixed price list number 57C, 1899 or 1902] 1/1/1899

    American Medals. [Fixed price list number 57C, 1899 or 1902]

    American Numismatic Society copy, ANS library ID no. 213449.

    Fractional Currency 5/1/1899

    Fractional Currency

    Adams 57B . Dan Hamelberg copy.

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