U.S. Mint Reports
Primarily consisting of the Mint Director's annual report, this series contains information often found nowhere else, revealing internal workings of the Mint and copious statistical data. In addition to the annual reports, this series includes other reports as issued, for example, results of assay tests of foreign gold and silver coins. Beginning in 2010, the biennial report on coinage production cost and cost saving alternatives is included in this series.
Note: Reports are categorized by year published rather than year covered. In some cases, the annual report for a given year was not published until the following year.
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3 entries found for [year:1801]
Displaying records 1 — 3U.S. Mint Report (1800)
U.S. Mint Director Elias Boudinot's report for the year 1800. Extracted from the American State Papers, class 3 (Finance), volume 1, no. 156.
Paul Hybert summary: "A report from mint director Elias Boudinot to President Adams, who relayed it to Congress. The number of each denomination minted in 1800 is given, along with the profit on striking copper pieces in 1800 and the total of copper pieces coined since the start of operations. The great rise in the price of copper limited the number of copper pieces struck. The move of all government offices to the new seat of government means that the named officers will not be available at the mint for the upcoming annual assay inspection. The mint assayer has determined that the Spanish milled doubloons, previously made a legal tender at about eighty-seven cents per pennyweight, contain less than eighty-five cents of gold per pennyweight."
A transcription is at http://www.chicagocoinclub.org/lib/us/asp/cl03.finance/v1/n156.html.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting sundry statements relative to the Mint of the United States
Mint Director Elias Boudinot's report for the year 1800.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Director of the Mint : February 20, 1801 ...
Mint Director's Elias Boudinot's report regarding assay proceedings. This text is also found in the American State Papers, class 3 (finance), volume 1, report no. 161.
Paul Hybert summary: "A report from mint director Elias Boudinot to President Adams, who relayed it to Congress. The required assay of reserved pieces was not performed because none of the government officials attended — the depositors demand their property, and the Mint Director awaits instruction from the President on that matter as well as on the impending expiration of the authorization of the Mint."
A transcription is at: http://www.chicagocoinclub.org/lib/us/asp/cl03.finance/v1/n161.html.