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Official Register of the United States

A listing of employees in the U.S. Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP). Note, the material here represents extracts from the full Official Register ... documents. 

The congressional resolution of April 27, 1816 established the Register.

Note, the Register did not include a listing for the U.S. Mint in the years 1829, 1831, and 1833. 

The first comprehensive list of Mint employees occurs in the 1873 edition, and in 1877 for the BEP. Prior to this these lists generally consist of high ranking officials. The comprehensive lists continue through the 1921 edition.

In 1879, the series title changes from Register of Officers and Agents ... to Official Register of the United States, Containing a List of Officer and Employees ...

Beginning in 1907, the Mint and BEP headings list only high ranking officials. However, individual employees are listed alphabetically in the general directory. For 1913, there is no heading for either the Mint or BEP, but individuals are listed in the general directory. After 1921, the general directory of all employees is no longer present, and the Official Register lists officials only. Starting in 1949, this list is somewhat expanded. The series ends in 1959.

See also Jesse Watson's The Bureau of the Mint: Its History, Activities and Organization, which contains a list of U.S. Mint positions for the year 1925.


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1 entries found for [year:1936]

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    Official Register of the United States ... (1855) 1936

    Official Register of the United States ... (1855)

    Extract from the Official Register of the United States .... listing U.S. Mint officers.

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