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    David B. Fiero

    International Bank Note Society Journal (Issue 4, 1992) (pg. 3)

    10/1/1992 Paper Money

    iety Officers 2 Letters to the Editor 4 Internal Clearing Certificates of East German Agricultural Cooperatives 5 by Sven W Gerhard The 1878 1 and 2 Earl of Duferin and Countess of Dufferin Notes 7 b j Jack H Fisher Thematic Collecting by Richard Undenvood 11 Book Reviews A Review 19 by David R Fkro The Morphtogy of Coins 20 by David B. Fiero La Moneda Hispanica Desde Sus Origenes Hasta et Siglo V 21 by David B Fiero New Edition of Catalog on Malaysia area Coins and Bank Notes by Jerry Remick 22 Validation Certificates of the Konversionskasse 23 by Steven Feller with help from Fred Schwa n Nota Vitiensis 33 by Kerry Rodgers The Convention Under the Arch 35 by Rachel Feller Classified Ads 38 Index to Adverti

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    Numismatics International Bulletin (pg. 3)


    Numismatics International Bulletin Volume 44 March April 2009 Numbers 3 4 In Memoriam Edward Herman Roehrs 36 NI Library Report 36 NI Educational Programs 54 Member Notices 64 Record Price at Auction for Ancient Coin 37 David B. Fiero Confiscation 38 Slavoljub Petrovic Monarchial Symbolism on Serbian Medieval Coinage 42 Mari Ohnuki The Financial Panic of 192 7 Japan 48 Wartime Economic System Japan 50 Howard Ford Canada The United States and the Silver 20 Cents 52 Additional Notes on the Use of Silver 20 Cents in World Coinage 53 Hercules Africa s First Gold Bullion Ounce 61 Gregory G Brunk Coins Countermarked with Politi

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    International Bank Note Society Journal (Issue 2, 1990) (pg. 21)

    4/1/1990 Paper Money

    VOLUME 29 NO 2 Review of Paraguay Paper Money Catalog 1847 1989 by Miguel Angel Pratt Mayans and Carlos Alberto Pusineri Seala Reviewed by David B. Fiero Paraguay Paper Money Catalog 1847 1989 by Miguel Angel Pratt Mayans and Carlos Alberto Pusineri Seala First Edition 1990 162 pages illustrations values table of con tents bibliography card covers perfect bound Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 12 00 plus 2 00 postage in the United States Dealers may write for wholesale pricing informatio

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    International Bank Note Society Journal (Issue 4, 1992) (pg. 21)

    10/1/1992 Paper Money

    eone somewhere will take up the idea of collecting a specific theme and thereby acquire new knowledge and insights in a most pleasurable and profitable manner Figure 31 Jordan 5 Dinars No Date 1975 Figure 32 Bhutan 5 Ngultrum No Date 1985 On 4 Vl N 6 Figure 33 Ireland 50 Punt 1982 Figure 34 Netherlands 1000 Gulden 1956 Book Reviews A Review of The Paper Money of the Bank of Mexico by David B. Fiero The Paper Money of the Bank of Mexico by Duane D Douglas Mexico 1991 2 94 large size pages plus 16 page introduction and guide to grading Completely bilingual expanded second edition covering all issues of the Banco de Mexico Softbound Price is 22 00 postpaid in the United States Foreign customers must add US 4 50 for registration This new edition represents author Douglas 5 atte

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    International Bank Note Society Journal (Issue 4, 1992) (pg. 22)

    10/1/1992 Paper Money

    tion tourists would be well advised to dress down and maintain a low profile when visiting any large Latin American city From the standpoint of monetary history devaluation and inflation it is of interest to note one of the most dramatic changes which occurred within the first second and third emissions of the Banco de Mexico The first bore the legend Payable to The Morphology of Coins By David B. Fiero An indispensable general view of the gradual changes inform and style of ancient and medieval coin types of interest to students of numismatics or art by D F Keary Chicago Argonaut reprint from the 1886 Numismatic Chronicle London 89 pages and 6 plates of coins Hardcover Price is 12 postpaid in the U S Foreign orders must add US 4 50 for registry As the subtitle suggests a mor p

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    International Bank Note Society Journal (Issue 4, 1992) (pg. 23)

    10/1/1992 Paper Money

    at is to say this short work will be a source of joy to numisma tists of whatever species Book available at price shown from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Phone 218 749 8108 Fax 218 749 8145 Cash checks MC or Visa are ac cepted Desde Sus Origenes Hasta el Siglo V I of Catalogo General de las Monedas Espanolas La Moneda Hispanica Second edition Vol By David B. Fiero Fernando AIvarez Burgos Editorial Vko Segarra Madrid 2992 325 pages profusely illustrated with original high quality line drawings Available from Dale Seppa 203 Sixth Avenue N f Virginia MN 55792 Cost is 50 plus 2 00 postage Foreign customers must add ITS 4 50 for registry The first second edition in a series which treats the coinage of Spain and its possessions from pre Rom

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.5 (pg. 21)


    maintains a collector oriented personalized style throughout which is both pleasing and useful Reviewed by David B. Fiero La Moneda Hispanica Desde Sus Origenes Hasta El Siglo V Vol I of Catalogo General de las Monedas Espanolas By Fernando Alvarez Burgos Madrid Editorial Vico Segarra 1987 325 profusely illustrated with original high quality line drawings Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 43 00 plus 2 00 postage Foreign orders must addfor registry and or a

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.5 (pg. 22)


    ex coinages will be considered by most to be truly trifling In terms of historical or numismatic method Desde Sus Origenes is a must for every serious numismatist with an interest in early coinage In the practical sense and again based on my knowledge if one desires detailed information on this period area it may be the only game in town in terms of actual availability Reviewed by David B. Fiero j The Gold Coinage of Gran Colombia Colombia Ecuador Venezuela By Frank Sedwick Maitland 1991 Identification rarity values 90 pages illustrated and softcover Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 12 50 plus 2 00 postage Foreign orders must add extra if registry or airmail is desired A reader engrossed in the Historical Backgro

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.5 (pg. 23)


    Not content with being merely an introduction and a listing this work contains numerous comments on specific dates especially when their status has been clarified of late Any curious reader especially one who has missed the major sales of the last decade or so will appreciate the highly readable complete and yet attractively concise format of The Gold Coinage of Gran Colombia Reviewed by David B. Fiero Standard Catalogue of Malaysia Singapore Brunei Coins Paper Money By Steven Tan 1991 publication date 197 pp 7 1 4 in by 10 1 4 in and plastic covered card cover Available from Mr Steven Tan GPO Box 12016 50764 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Price is U S 15 00 postpaid seamail The first part of this volume catalogues the coinages of British North Borneo Brunei Malaya Malaya and Brit

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 32, No.8 (pg. 23)


    facilities punches and tools while barely identifiable were somehow pressed back into service All in all the reader is left with no small sense of awe that the author has been able to recreate a believable past out of traces that most have long since consigned to oblivion out of the seemingly inaccessibly mysterious but endlessly fascinating historical crossroad that is Cuzco Reviewed by David B. Fiero NUMISMATIC EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED LITERATURE The cost of houses in 1829 Guatemala Wilson was interested also in the cost of housing for people in the wealthier bracket of society Have heard it stated than an individual has offered 15 000 lbs of indigo in exchange for a house in this place The house we reside in is amo

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 34, No.1 (pg. 1)


    34 years of service to numismatics NI BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL NUMISMATICS fOUNOI O 1 4 Volume 34 Number 1 ISSN 0197 3088 Price Two Dollars 1 M l TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES The Doblas in the Captivity Episode of Don Quixote by David B. Fiero 5 Index of Cultures Empires Kingdoms and Coin Minting Activities 19 Our Lady of Perpetual Help by Bob Forrest 13 ST MARGARET OF ANTIOCH another saint who never was by Bob Forrest 27 DEPARTMENTS Book News Reviews 25 Member Notice Page 28 INSIDE N I Donations Report 3 Librarian s Report 3 Membership Chairman s Report 3 1999 2000 Officers and Staff of NI 4 OTHER ITEMS Currency Unity a

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 34, No.1 (pg. 5)


    THE DOBLAS IN THE CAPTIVITY EPISODE OF DON QUIXOTE David B. Fiero Bellingham Washington NI 2115 When doubles were halves Opening the Quixote files A tilt at a windmill brings a windfall Spanish Civil War note of Herencia Ciudad Real 1 Peseta 1937 Don Quixote tilting at windmills During the 1998 ANA convention in Portland I was pleased to discover that a new edition of Stephen Album s A Checklist of Popular Islamic Coins had appeared Opening

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 36, No.9 (pg. 1)


    37 years of service to numismatics NI BULLETIN v c S rf If NUMISMATICS INTERNATIONAL POUNOIO lt 4 Volume 36 Number 9 ISSN 0197 3088 Price Two Dollars 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES A Miscellany of Symbols by Bob Forrest 251 Gresham s Law and the First Central American Coins The Crowning over Debasement by David B. Fiero 265 Incidents of Travel in Siam and China by Georg H Forster 263 The Weidenbaum Coins of Hesse Cassel Germany by David Cassel 244 DEPARTMENTS Book News Reviews 269 From the Mailbox 243 Member Notice Page 272 INSIDE N L Librarian s Report 243 Membership Chairman s Report 243 OTHER ITEMS Numismatic Extracts From Selected Literature 250 The Mintmark A 243 Copyright 2001 by Numismatics Inte

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 36, No.9 (pg. 25)


    GRESHAM S LAW AND THE FIRST CENTRAL AMERICAN COINS The Crowning over Debasement A Review Article by David B. Fiero Necessity Coinage of Guatemala Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries By J Roberto Jovel 116 pages San Salvador El Salvador 2001 Despite the relatively short length of Necessity Coinage Salvadoran author Roberto Jovel has accomplished a number of goals with this only his latest in a series of works on Central American numismatics rapidly setting a new standard in this growing field First

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.5 (pg. 3)


    Applications for Membership The following persons have ap plied for membership If no written objections are received by July 1 1985 their membership will become effective on that date 2113 MT Roger R McFadden M D P 0 Box 160 Okmulgee OK 74447 Leper Colony Philippine Coins Tokens 2114 MT Julian W Mouton 116 Souvenir Gate Lafayette La 70501 Western Hemisphere 2115 MT David B. Fiero Maierhoferstr 3 8400 Regensberg Bavaria West Germany Mexican Coins of Alamos Mint History of Early Latin American Republics 2116 Stuart G Mayfield 9287 Forest Lane Apt 2018 Dallas TX 75243 World Types RE I NSTATEMENTS The following members have complied with the By Laws and are reinstated to full membership 1291 John Deyll 23 Eastern Drive Alymer Quebec Canada J9H 2L2

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.8 (pg. 32)


    MEMBER NOTICE PAGE David B. Fiero Maierhoferstr 3 8400 Regensburg West Germany I am presently attempting to gather information on the minting process used on the one half mark coins of the German Empire during the First World War years of 1917 1919 when these pieces were often darkened by the mints in an attempt to discourage hoarding by the public of silver coins Standard references tend to give conflicting information

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 35, No.1 (pg. 1)


    35 years of service to numismatics NI BU LLET I N NUMISMATICS INTERNATIONAL fO Volume 35 Number 1 ISSN 0197 3088 Price Two Dollars 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES Eyes Wide Open Ears Wide Shut Ecuador s Struggle in the Nineteenth Century by David B. Fiero 5 Index of Empires Kingdoms and Coin Minting Activities of the Bi Millennium 1801 to 1999 26 Symbols of the Passion by Bob Forrest 17 DEPARTMENTS From the Mailbox 16 Member Notice Page 32 INSIDE N L Donations Report 3 Membership Chairman s Report 3 OTHER ITEMS Fake Siamese Gambling Tokens A Sequel by Bob Forrest 4 Some Unique or Very Rare European Dollars 28 by John S Davenport 32

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 35, No.1 (pg. 5)


    EYES WIDE OPEN EARS WIDE SHUT ECUADOR S STRUGGLE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY RESPONSIBLE MINTHOOD OR QUIXOTIC ENCHANTMENT David B. Fiero Bellingham Washington NI 2115 Memory is an essential part of man s rationality without it we would always be the children of yesterday El Quiteho Libre 26 May 1833 While reviewing an advance copy of Michael Anderson s A Numismatic History of Ecuador I was especially struck by the lengthy appendices which consist mainly of the correspondence translated from the Spanish by Mr Anderso

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 22, No.5 (pg. 21)


    reverse in the Provincias Del Rio De Plata coinage the first crowns of the independent Latin American Republics MANUAL DEL COLLECT I ON I ST A DE MONEDAS represents an important step in the process of creating universal appeal for a field which has never lacked for its own specialized literature and scholars Reviewed by David B. Fiero CURRENT COINS OF THE WORLD 8th edition R S Yeoman revised by Arthur and Ira Friedberg The Coin and Currency Institute Inc P 0 Box 1057 Clifton New Jersey 07014 386pp soft cover 5k x 8V 9 95 plus 1 50 for postage and handling The 7th edition was published in 1978 The book catalogues the coins issued from 1964 to 1987 of more than 220 countries and coin issuing authorites by

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.5 (pg. 21)


    the future Admittedly this work is best read with a copy of Numismatic Terms of Spain and Spanish America and the Bruce Vogt catalog close at hand But if only as a lesson in numismatic method its sudden andin all likelihood brief appearance on the book market represents a rare op portunity for the historican collector and write as well as to the specialist A numismatic gem Reviewed by David B. Fiero MEXICAN BALANCE SCALE COINS THE SILVER 1869 1895 3 by Russel H 117

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.7 (pg. 24)


    time to come The printing of this beautiful book was limited to 1000 copies and I am given to understand that the State of Florida has no more for sale I suspect that many wound up on coffee tables due to the book s basic beauty The few dealers who stocked up on this book cannot have many left so acquisition should be made as soon as possible if you want to be one of a thousand Reviewed by David B. Fiero PARAGUAY PAPER MOREY CATALOG 1847 1989 by Mi quel Angel Pratt Mayans and Carlos Alberto Pusineri Scala First edition 1990 162pp ill us values table of contents bibliography card covers perfect bound Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 12 00 plus 2 00 postage in the United States Dealers may write for wholesale pricing information This

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.7 (pg. 25)


    itional detail or 3 Do without The book is highly recommended and while it is believed that adequate supplies exist in the U S it is probably better to buy now and be safe rather than wait and be sorry Often these foreign books par ticularly from small countries appear to be available in good quan tity at one point in time only to be impossible to secure a year or so later Reviewed by David B. Fiero R US SI AN ENGLISH NUMISMATIC DICTIONARY 3 by Randolph Zander Published by the Russian Numismatic Society 1990 card bound 8h x 11 96pp i 11 us Price 17 50 Checks in favor of RNS P 0 Box 3013 Alex andria VA 22302 This excellent reference has over 2000 words in the core Russian English vocabulary and 1250 in the Engl i sh Russian glossary 169

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.7 (pg. 27)


    at a second edition will be forthcoming in the near future There are sure to be additions because Puerto Rico has far more individual token issues than most other Latin American nations yet the smallness of some of the haciendas and companies involved means some issues will have only a few pieces extant A collector of this series will always have new discoveries to look forward to Reviewed by David B. Fiero Editor Due to the excessive number of reviews in this issue the continuation of THE ARTS OF INDIA A REVIEW ARTICLE began in last month s Book Reviews section will be delayed at least until the next issue 171

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.12 (pg. 22)


    prueba usually means pattern rather than proof although it can mean either or both But in such a definitive work in what promises to be the definitive series on one of the world s most lengthy complex coinages such occasional flaws are truly trifling Indeed in terms of historical or numismatic method Acunaciones de la Casa de Borbon is a must for every serious numismatist Reviewed by David B. Fiero Fisher s Ding By George A Fisher Jr First Edition 1990 251 pages 8 1 2 by 11 card covers Illustrated commentaries in English Schjoth cross references and values Available from Bob Reis Anything Anywhere P O Box 82816 Port land OR 97282 Price is 30 00 plus 2 00 postage in the United States Others write for postage rates It should be stated at the onset that this is a b

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.2 (pg. 21)


    ore about it than I do A valuable plus for this book is that it can easily be used by a non Spanish speaker who does not own a copy of the original work This is due to the fact that all items are listed in order by date denomination with the grade headings in English This is probably the most valuable work ever for those interested in the prices of Colombian coins of this period Reviewed by David B. Fiero 45

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.4 (pg. 21)


    etitor It is impossible to imagine a better book on this series and consideration of a the economic realities encountered in book production will indicate the truth of that statement to all but the most obtuse It is a must for those who maintain a serious interest in Latin American medals and an absolute must for those organizations which maintain numismatic exonumismatic libraries Reviewed by David B. Fiero Description De Medailles Russes 862 1908 By V Smirnov 1908 French transla tion of the Russian original 640pp hard bound Available from the Russian Nu mismatic Society P O Box 3013 Alexandria VA 22302 Price is 50 00 There is no full catalogue of Russian medals up to 1917 The Grand Duke had intended to compile one after finishing his coin corpus but events intervened The Arche

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.6 (pg. 23)


    nd a detailed history of the most important institutions Almost 200 pages are devoted to this section Appendices A through H while brief provide information which is very hard to obtain from commonly available sources Some of the appendices of interest are Recent Bitmetallist Movements in Germany Mr Shaw s History of Currency and the Market Ratio of Silver to Gold 1793 1895 Reviewed by David B. Fiero 147

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 29, No.4 (pg. 23)


    n coins with any other Latin American country or even with any European country it is nothing short of astounding Although this checklist is at its best when used together with Restrepo s other more complete works which have both rarity scales and extensive photography it is by itself the first work either an aspiring or experienced collector of Colombian coins should buy Reviewed by David B. Fiero EXPOSING STAMPS OF ANOTHER COIN By Gerald Hoberman Published by the South African Numismatic Society in association with Spink Son Ltd London Cape Town 1993 Hard cover with protective slip cover 6 1 4 x 10 3 4 inches xi pages 34 pages numerous sturniing color photographs printed on high quality glossy papier with bibliography Available from Spink Son Ltd 5 6 7 Kin

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 29, No.5 (pg. 23)


    1840 s Flatt s first book length effort is a treat for even the mildly curious reader and a must read for true lovers of Latin American numismatics Reviewed by David B. Fiero Readers interested in purchasing a copy of CANADIAN ARCADE AND MACHINE TOKENS HANDBOOK 28 00 Canadian postpaid which was reviewed in the March 1994 NI BULLETIN are advised that the full address of the author is Jack Sauchenko 13559 124 A Avenue Edmonton Alberta CANADA T5L 3B4 FARUKI Faruki is the name gi

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 31, No.4 (pg. 24)


    MEMBER NOTICE PAGE David B. Fiero 655 W Horton Way 140 Bellingham WA 98226 WANTED Tokens jetons and counting pieces of the Netherlands Low Countries from the era of Spanish influence approx 1520 1620 and rebellions Does anyone know anyone anywhere who handles these as depicted in Swiss Bank Corporation s September 1992 sale Am interested in those pieces depicting Spanish monarchs and or Spanish related themes Ho

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 32, No.12 (pg. 21)


    ues or collections of Ray Byrne John J Ford Victor Gadoury Howard D Gibbs F Pridmore as well as to Gordon s own collection As knowledge in this area is constantly expanding serious objective research dates only from the mid 1960s this recent relatively compact yet definitive collection is a fine place for the neophyte to begin or for specialists to expand their exposure Reviewed by David B. Fiero 1998 North American Coins Prices Edited by David C Harper Krause Publications Iola 1997 Softcover 6 x 9 528 pp heavily illustrated with valuations Available from Krause Publications Book Department NDR7 700 E State Street lola W1 54990 001 Price is 16 95 plus 3 25 postage Most collectors reading this review will already be fa mili ar with earlier editions of thi

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.1 (pg. 23)


    y was Restrepo s works give immed iate access to hard factual data on what is in reality known to exist to include those items which Dr Restrepo reasonably believes actually exist while carefully excluding those items which while previously reported appear to be figments of someone s imagination or poor typing ability A must for the lover of Colombian numismatics or history Reviewed by David B. Fiero k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k FOR JEWELLERY This is the inscription on obverse of British Trade Dollars made for that purpose Pridmore lists a 1908 0 that is an 0 mintmark also as a sign of being expressly made for ornaments 23

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.8 (pg. 21)


    d detail Still these very features lend scholarly credence to the work while encouraging further investigation The book is in the original Spanish but the continous footnoting and bibliographic references many of which are in English render linguistic problems quite resolvable A definitive source work for serious scholars of the vast complex period of Spanish Colonial Coinage Reviewed by David B. Fiero 193

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.9 (pg. 20)


    Hie joke was as usual on the consumer after fifty plus years of circulation one could hardly expect to receive ten grams of produce per worn piece weighed In this work we are given a clear cut example of specific narrowly focused research yielding results which add to out broad based universal sense of monetary and numismatic history spanning entire continents and centuries Reviewed by David B. Fiero LA REAL CASA DE IA MONEDA Potosi By Tuis Alfonso Fernandez with introduction by Hugo Boerjo Rojo Editorial Los Amigos del liibro la Paz reprint of the 1979 edition Softoover profusely illustrated many color photographs with 133 pages Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 10 00 postpaid It is widely known that the mines of the Cerro

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.9 (pg. 21)


    removed as Buenos Aires A smiling sunface an indigenous symbol adorns the mint s portals even today and the book s cover as well Although portions of the text may be a bit on the specialized side for the general reader the clear photographic reproductions are a joy to leaf through For this reviewer La Real Casa de la Moneda Potosi has put Potosi on the must visit list Reviewed by David B. Fiero THCMAS SIM3N HIS LIFE AND WORK 1618 1665 By Alan Nathanson Seaby London 1975 Hardcover with high quality dust jacket index bibliography notes and 60 pages including 49 illustrations Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 12 00 postpaid Few names are better known in the history of English numismatics and die kengraving than that of Tho

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.11 (pg. 23)


    mparative world history philosophy and literature has only one minor drawback a tendency to quote from the original Greek which he renders in the original Greek script It is a tribute to the clarity of his writing that the thrust of his arguments remains nonetheless transparent to the modem reader who will benefit greatly from the perusal of this unusual double volume reprint Reviewed by David B. Fiero NUMISMATIC EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED LITERATURE Men of Templenewsham in Yorkshire found treasure in an even more unexpected manner and place A horse died on the Lawns Stud Farm and labourers were ordered to dig a grave to receive the carcass Scarcely had they broken the sod when they turned up an earthen jar containing nearly thr

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.12 (pg. 23)


    ty Spanish works are generally here today and gone tomorrow in the U S marketplace The few nicks and rubs on the cover caused by the Spanish penchant for wrapping book shipments with brewn paper and hard string will be forgiven when one considers that so much previously unavailable information is new available for less that the price of a good meal for two in a nice restaurant Reviewed by David B. Fiero 267

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 28, No.4 (pg. 23)


    every plate is meticulously labeled at the bottom All lettering is widely spaced and the headings even more so in dark type to soothe tired eyes As is the case with the coins EL DURO so gloriously describes this book leaves the reader with the distinct notion perhaps a bit disquieting that it is not only older than most of its readers but that it will easily outlive them all Reviewed by David B. Fiero THE COINS OF SOUTH AFRICA 1992 93 edition By Alec Kaplan and revised by Michael Kaplan 88 pages 5 3 4 x 8 glossy paper pages and soft plastic coated thick paper covers Available from Alec Kaplan Son C C P O Box 890638 Lyndhurse Republic of South Africa 2106 Price is U S 7 50 seamail or U S 13 00 airmail cash preferred due to the high bank charges on foreign checks The book

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.1 (pg. 32)


    MEMBER NOTICE PAGE Charles A Rob bins P 0 Box 4 305 M eridian MS 3930 4 I would apprec iate any information about Spanish pattern coins of 1857 especially one real and 20 reales coins David B. Fiero Mai erhoferstr 3 840 0 Regensburg West Germany I would like to correspond with anyone who possesses information on the history and or coinage of the Alamos mint in Sonora Mexico Photos of scarcer or unusual items also needed postage etc will be reim bursed and credit given Will trade Balance Scale Mexican coins for virtually all Alamos coins also have Ch Gem BU German 1 mark 1914

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 32, No.9 (pg. 22)


    lars The market is thin but potent as recent auction records will attest with more collectors than desirable or even acceptable coins Las Monedas del Ecuador is a wise buy for country specialists and Latin American enthusiasts alike as it is a convenient high quality affordable introductory guide to a field where there is more yet to be discovered than there is already known Reviewed by David B. Fiero El Inca de Oro Acunaciones del Inca en de Lima y Ayacucho durante la Guerra del Pacifico The Gold Inca Minting of the Inca in the Lima and Ayacucho Mints during the Pacific War By Francisco Yabar Acuna Lima 1996 Las Ultimas Acunaciones Provinciates 1883 1886 Las Casas de Moneda de Cuzco y Arequipa despues de la Guerra del Pacifico The Last Provincial Coinages 1883 1886 The Cuzco

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.11 (pg. 22)


    knowledge of Spanish All in all this is a reference work which fills several vacuums and will most certainly create specialists which in turn can only increase international numismatic cooperation where it is sorely needed Reviewed by David B. Fiero STANDARD CATALOG OF WORLD PAPER MONEY GENERAL ISSUES VOLUME II by Albert Pick and edited by Neil Shafer and Colin R Bruce II Released May 1990 by publisher Krause Publications 700 East State St Iola Wisconsin 54990 1136pp i 11 us 8V 1 x 11 hard cover 2 thick 49 00 plus 2 50 for postage for U S residents and 5 00 postage for outside U S This book catalogues all legal tende

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.1 (pg. 22)


    Concluding the work are brief chapters on Objects and Symbols Oriental Languages Unidentified Hacienda Initials and Symbols along with indicies of geographical locations occupations and reference works All in all the book is the most complete cataloging effort to date of these difficult to classify issues Reviewed by David B. Fiero The Handbook of United States Municipal Trade Currency 1991 By Jean Guy Cote 72 pages 4 by 7 card covers Available from Micro Art Suite 207 P O Box 2213 Postal Station P Toronto Ontario Canada M5S 2T2 Price is US 4 00 postpaid The 1991 edition of this catalogue the only current catalogue for the series lists over 1640 entries Approximately 300 of the entries are new to the 1

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.8 (pg. 25)


    Fascinating or not these tales will only be fully accessible to those with a fairly good reading knowledge of Spanish or extensive knowledge of the subject Still the excellent illustrations photographs and easy to follow tables with descriptions are worth the price of the book to those who would like to make contact with this neglected series Reviewed by David B. Fiero Identifying Coins Medals Tokens Late Antiquity to Modern Times A Biblio graphical Survey of Useful Articles By Gregory Brunk Laurion Numismatics 1991 145 pages Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 35 00 plus 3 00 postage Dr Gregory Brunk a prolific author well known for his works on countermarked coinage can now be said to have

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.8 (pg. 26)


    ves its worth and is inevitably expanded over time it is to be hoped that future editions can be upgraded in terms of durability and readability Even in its present format A Bibliographical Survey of Useful Articles represents a unique breakthrough in numismatic publishing one which should be acquired and used actively by the entire numismatic research and cataloguing community Reviewed by David B. Fiero A Check List of 20th Century Coinage of the World Compiled by James Edward Klish L A Press Virginia 1991 24 pages Available from Dale Seppa 103 Sixth Avenue North Virginia MN 55792 Price is 5 00 postpaid As the twentieth century moves inexorably through its final decade the rate of change continues to increase in all fields of endeavor As in the physical sciences the worl

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.8 (pg. 27)


    ew collectors will not pay thirty or forty dollars for a book no matter how excellent or complete it is Also regardless of excellence the SCWC and its recent 20th Century spin off does not fit easily in your back pocket It should be noted that Krause Publications generously granted permission to use KM numbers in the work and the author plans to use them in subsequent editions Reviewed by David B. Fiero AN INTRODUCTION TO BYZANTINE COINAGE R R Kutcher Lincoln Nebraska NI 111289 No 72 DEMETRIUS ANGELUS COMNENUS DUCAS DESPOT 1244 1246 Demetrius was removed as Despot of Thessalonica in 1246 by John Vatatze when he incorporated all of the remaining parts of the Thes salonican Empire into his own Empire of Nicaea No coins of Demetrius have been identified however a series of bronze n

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 26, No.12 (pg. 27)


    t to present day numismatists historians art historians and the merely curious It is always a pleasure to me when a book such as this reprinted over twenty years ago with a retail price then of 30 is reintroduced into the market at a price far less than it was originally offered for I believe such an event is easily as important as the publication of a new book of equal merit Reviewed by David B. Fiero ORICHALCUM Orichalcum a brass that is rich in zinc and resembling gold in color was considered to be precious by the ancient Greeks Orichalcum literally means mountain copper and was used by the Romans in the early empire for Sestertii Dupondii and the Semis that equalled two copper Quadrantes

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 20, No.2 (pg. 24)


    MEMBER NOTICE PAGE David B. Fiero Maierhoferstr 3 8400 Reg ens burg W Germany If any one knows of possi ble discrepancies i e dates and or mints which are missing from the 1986 STANDARD CATALOG OF WORLD COINS or WORLD GOLD COINS for the period 1811 1886 of Colombian Republic coinage and which can be confirmed I would be most interested in hearing from them For longer term numismatic history project any facts

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.2 (pg. 22)


    Spanish colonial coins or proclamations As a fitting numismatic tribute it too commemorates the Fifth Centennial Anniversary of both the Reconquest and Unifica tion of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella and the Discovery of the New World Reviewed by David B. Fiero THE COINAGE OF ETHIOPIA ERITREA AND ITALIAN SOMALIA By Dennis Gill New York 1991 341 pp illustrated in text 25 x 18 5 cm hardbound Available from Dennis Gill P O Box 175 Garden City NY 11530 Price is 25 00 plus 2 00 postage and handling For over a generation numismatists have known the author as a scholarly dealer in world coins particularly of Africa The currency he trea

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.3 (pg. 26)


    cientific analysis is the feeling of potential discovery which lurked around every comer in the early days Such a feeling is perhaps given today to the physicist postulating with near certainty a new sub atomic particle which he knows he will never see It will nonetheless always be with us much like the coins which survived Cunningham s era and which will indeed survive us all Reviewed by David B. Fiero j j j THE COINAGE OF ETHIOPIA ERITREA AND ITALIAN SOMALIA By Dennis Gill New York 1991 341 pp illustrated in text 25 x 18 5 cm hardbound Available from Dennis Gill P O Box 175 Garden City NY 11530 Price is 25 00 plus 2 00 postage and handling Having lived in Ethiopia and published on its coinage I have long had an active numismatic as well as historical intere

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    Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.4 (pg. 24)


    imited supply of suitable cover stock and high quality ink it must be frowned upon It is ludicrous when compared with the excellent printing of the pages and the high quality of the reproduced photographs The printer should review some of the not so recent advances in cover lamination or the low cost protective plastics or varnishes which can be applied during the printing process Reviewed by David B. Fiero MEMBER NOTICE PAGE Gerhard Schon Postfach 71 09 08 W 8000 Miinchen 71 Germany Looking for MARSHALL ISLANDS Greg Louganis 5 10 100 Dollars 1988 LIBERIA 1984 25 Dollars Basketball PORTUGAL 100 Escudos 1985 Pessoa silver Proof 25 Escudos 1986 Europe silver Proof patterns and pi forts of Latin America

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