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    Super bowl

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    HIGHLAND MINT MAKES SUPERBOWL LVI COINS https www coinbooks org v25 esylum_v25n07a31 html HIGHLAND MINT MAKES SUPERBOWL LVI COINSLocal news outlets are great for backstories on numismatic artists and makers Here s an excerpt from an article from Florida about the Highland Mint and Superbowl coins Editor nbsp Everyone has a favorite part of their annual Super bowl viewing experience whether it be the game halftime show commercials or even a combination of all of those things But for Brevard residents the pre game coin toss may just have a little more meaning ESYFORM END INCLUDE EMAIL THIN ESYFORM THIS ARTICLE URL Read more here Indeed the coin used to determine which team will get the ball first and which end of the field each team wi

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    HIGHLAND MINT STRIKES Super bowl 50 COINS http www coinbooks org esylum_v19n05a37 html American football fans are in limbo awaiting the annual King of Contests the Super Bowl In the meantime numismatists can enjoy this article from Florida Today about the making of the game 39 s commemorative coin at the Highland Mint in Melbourne FL Editor Friday was a big day for the Highland Mint You could call it the

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    THE NFL S Super bowl COIN TOSS STREAK http www coinbooks org esylum_v13n06a19 html Back to top A couple weeks ago we discussed the NASA Space Veteran medal planned to be used in the opening coin toss at today s Super Bowl Earlier this week an article appeared about the NFL s unusual streak of coin toss wins Editor The Super Bowl coin toss has been an affront to fairness with the NFC winning 13 in a row

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    MORE ON THE HIGHLAND MINT Super bowl 50 COINS http www coinbooks org esylum_v19n06a30 html Here 39 s another article this time from the Orlanda Sentinel about the coin which was tossed to open tonight 39 s Super Bowl 50 The article has a nice image gallery so be sure to check it out online Editor Forget about quarterbacks Cam Newton or Peyton Manning The star of Sunday 39 s Super Bowl 50 will be from Centra

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    THE HIGHLAND MINT S Super bowl COIN TOSS COIN http www coinbooks org esylum_v15n06a24 html Back to top Coin Update found an article in Florida Today about the maker of the toss coin used in tonight s Super Bowl Any collectors out there planning to buy one Be sure to watch the video it s a great lesson in coin making and includes footage of a Janvier reducing machine in action The image from the article is of one of

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    THE HIGHLAND MINT AND THE 2013 SUPERBOWL COIN http www coinbooks org esylum_v16n05a33 html Back to top Who made the special coin tossed at the start of tonight s Superbowl The Highland Mint of Melbourne FL Here are some articles In the first one the reporter and editor make the common slip of using the word dye when referring to a die Editor Every Super bowl begins with a coin toss And that coin is made right here in Central Florida Brevard County 226 128 153 s Highland Mint is making the coin you 226 128 153 ll see tossed at the start of Super Bowl 47 For the Melbourne based company this time of year is super It s the time of year for the NFL s championship game 226 128 156 As we like to say the game doesn t start with

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    Coin World [01/02/1974] (pg. 20)


    some of the major coin cabinets in Europe on the subject of The numismatic evidence for the ap pearance and location of ancient lighthouses In performing archeological research in Italy and Israel he has participated in underwater excavation at Cosa an ancient port north of Rome Address of Alex G Malloy is P 0 Box 38 South Salem New York 10590 SC ui tmtt Guarantee your personal Super bowl VIII Medal n A TREASURE OF PURE SILVER N o matter the winner you il want to treasure the memory of this great game in Houston between the two Super teams of the National Football League as commemorated in pure silver medallic art The Super Bowl Vlii Medal is the first medal in this Official NFL silver series to b offered singly and it ab solutely will not be sold as an individual medal a

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    HIGHLAND MINT S Super bowl FLIP COIN http www coinbooks org esylum_v17n05a09 html Back to top Today s the big day for U S football fans The numismatic connection is the medal used for the traditional coin toss at the beginning of the game to determine who has the option to possess the ball first Here s an article about the medal s maker the Highland Mint of Melbourne FL Editor Michael Kott head of The H

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    Coin World [01/16/1974] (pg. 26)


    ional ac ceptance of the aluminum cent proposal was the rapid passage by the Senate of a bill which would authorize the change on Dec 17 T wfc aiwwtJ Guarantee t A TREASURE OF PURE SILVER jwjo matter the winner you ll want to treasure the memory N f this great game in Houston between the two Super teams of the National Football League as commemorated in pure silver medallic art The Super bowl VIII Medal is the first medal in this Official NFL silver series to be offered singly and it ab solutely will not be sold as an individual medal after dead line Complete set of medals from Super Bowls I VII and shown here is also available see reservation application Nothing to pay now You may acquire the medal for only 25 and if you charge your order your card will not be billed un

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    in a different colour good extremely fine to about uncirculated rare pound 200 pound 260Nice example of the banknote printer s promotional work From Noonan s February 29 2024 Leap Year sale EditorTo read the complete lot description see Thomas De La Rue Co Ltd an advertising note for Bank Notes and Postage Stamps https www noonans co uk auctions calendar 740 catalogue 479491 Super bowl LVIII Flip Coin Super Bowl LVIII 58 starts with the Flip Coin This is the same coin that will be used for the Official Coin Toss to start the game This is a unique limited edition minted coin measuring 39mm in diameter and plated with 999 fine silver then selectively plated with 24kt gold The Flip Coin is minted on one side with the official Super Bowl LVIII logo as well as the commissioner

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    Coin World [12/12/1973] (pg. 64)


    COIN WORLD Wednesday December 12 1973 Page Sixty MintAmerica Produces New NFL Super bowl Medal Series If you think doing a sculpture of superstar Joe Namath behind a full face mask is challenge enough flip the work over and tackel a three quarter view of an original Tiffany trophy From the very beginning of the project according to Mini America producers of the Super Bowl medal series it was a joint commitment by the Na ional Football League and Mint America that the series w

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    Coin World [10/10/1973] (pg. 75)


    e dates from 1931 through 1943 in case four and 1944 to the present in case five Source material was listed in case four and emphasized coins were 1931 1943 1955 1959 1965 and 1968 in the two cases This ends Class 1 U S Coins To Be Continued Poge Seventy Five Reserve your silver set i tag ietaber 15 tb deadline and save almost 1 IZ MintAmerica Typical reverse shows teams helmets and Super bowl Vince Lombardi Trophy OFFICIAL ORDER FORM NFL SUPER BOWL MEDALS Reserve limit 1 my Super Bowl medal set Enclosed is payment or charge 22 to my credit card for the first medal 25 after 10 15 73 and send medal with case for balance of set I will receive and pay for one medal a month for six suc ceeding months NO finance charge For credit card charge fill in below Enclosed

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    Coin World [01/09/1974] (pg. 77)


    ma 4 37 grains EF 370 and Isaac 11 Angelus 1185 1195 A D electrum scy phate nomisma 3 77 grams EF 230 fC Guarantee your personal Medal if if if if ATREASURE OF PURE SILVER I 130 matter the winner you ll want to treasure the memory of this great game in Houston between the two Super teams of the National Football League as commemorated in pure silver medallic art The Super bowl Vlli Medal is the first medal in this Official NFL silver series to be offered singly and it ab solutely will not be sold as an individual medal after dead line Complete set of medals from Super Bowls 1 VII and shown here is also available see reservation application Nothing to pay now You may acquire the medal for only 25 and if you charge your order your card wilj not be billed unt

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    Coin World [03/02/1988] (pg. 34)


    34 COIN WORLD Wednesday March 2 1988 DESTINED TO BEC OME THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER Super bowl XXH MEMENTO Announcing the Release of THE OFFICTAT NET SUPER BOWL COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLIONS Minted in Pure Silver or Pure Gold Very Limited Edition An Important Collectors Item Individually Serial Numbered on the edge ADDITIONAL NFL SPECIALS OFFICIAL NFL SILVER COMMEMORATIVE OVAL On V 500 Pieces lobe o Love This on EA SUPER e if one dipt VtSA ACCEPTED ON ALL ORDERS Hours 10 6 Mo

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    HIGHLAND MINT STRIKES Super bowl LIV TOSSING COIN http www coinbooks org v23 esylum_v23n05a34 html Granted it 39 s not actually a coin but the medal tossed to determine initial possession at American football 39 s biggest game is an important part of sports tradition This article from a Florida news outlet interviews executives at the Highland Mint which has had the contract to make them for 27 years Editor For o

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    HIGHLAND MINT STRIKES Super bowl LIV TOSSING COIN http www coinbooks org v23 esylum_v23n05a34 html Granted it 39 s not actually a coin but the medal tossed to determine initial possession at American football 39 s biggest game is an important part of sports tradition This article from a Florida news outlet interviews executives at the Highland Mint which has had the contract to make them for 27 years Editor For o

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    HIGHLAND MINT STRIKES Super bowl LIV TOSSING COIN http www coinbooks org v23 esylum_v23n05a34 html Granted it 39 s not actually a coin but the medal tossed to determine initial possession at American football 39 s biggest game is an important part of sports tradition This article from a Florida news outlet interviews executives at the Highland Mint which has had the contract to make them for 27 years Editor For

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    THE HIGHLAND MINT S DARK SECRET http www coinbooks org esylum_v19n06a31 html Here 39 s an excerpt from a feature article published this week in BusinessWeek titled The Super bowl Coin Toss Has a Dark Secret Editor Michael Kott and the Super Bowl 50 coin For all the attention paid to the flip what s mostly unknown is the story of the company that for 23 years has made the coin itself and will sell you a limited edition replica encased in acrylic along with a certificate of authenticity for 99 99 Highland Mint operates out of a palm tree ringed w

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    Restricted Restricted

    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - December 1973 (pg. 133)

    12/1/1973 Numismatics Periodicals

    OFFICIAL ORDER FORM NFL Super bowl MEDALS v Reserve limit 1 my Super Bowl medal set Enclosed is payment or charge 25 to my credit card for the first medal and send with case for balance of set I will receive and pay for one medal a month for six succeeding months NO finance charge For credit card charge fill in below Enclosed is 175 as payment in full Send complete set Send set now and charge subject to c

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics Re Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From rosaamltd gmail com Tue Feb 06 19 06 46 2018Return Path lt rosaamltd gmail com gt X Sender rosaamltd gmail comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comX Received qmail 1549 invoked by uid 102 6 Feb 2018 19 06 46 0000X Received from unknown HELO mtaq2 grp bf1 yahoo com 10 193 84 33 by m7 grp bf1 yahoo com with SMTP

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics Re Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From leo_j_shane hotmail com Tue Feb 06 18 41 00 2018Return Path lt leo_j_shane hotmail com gt X Sender leo_j_shane hotmail comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comX Received qmail 2208 invoked by uid 102 6 Feb 2018 18 41 00 0000X Received from unknown HELO mtaq1 grp bf1 yahoo com 10 193 84 32 by m6 grp bf1 yahoo co

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    The Silver Bugle: December 2002 (pg. 7)

    12/1/2002 [Numismatics Periodicals Silver]

    will be donated to the Duane Spellman Award fund Harvey Chew The Silver Mine I M MINT ART BARS 1992 World Series Tor Blue Jays SN enaml Toronto silver no SN Bulls SN enameled Bulls silver no SN Redskins SN enameled Redskins silver no SN _ Twins Braves SN enamld Series Twins Brv sllver no SN 1991 2 ounces 999 TM Mint 1992 World Series 1992 NBA Champs 1992 NBA Champs 1992 Super bowl 1992 Super Bowl 1991 World Series 1991 World The Miracle The Miracle 1991 2 ounces enameled SN 1991 NBA Champs Bulls SN enameled 1991 NBA Champs Bulls silver no SN 1991 Super Bowl NY Giants SN enameled 1990 World Series Reds A s SN enameled 1990 World Series Reds A s silver no SN 1990 NBA Champs Pistons SN enameled 1990 NBA Champs Pistons silver no SN 1990 Super Bow

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    tain countries such as Poland and Russia the catalog provides data on sales of coins from famous collections of the 20th century which is a valuable source for finding the origin of coins To read the complete article see Coinstrail com Is a Tool For Valuing and Researching European Coins https www greysheet com news story coinstrail com is a tool for valuing and researching european coins Super bowl LVIII Flip Coin Sold Another CDN Publishing report provides results of the NFL s auction of this year s Super Bowl flip coin Editor nbsp On February 28 the NFL concluded an online auction for the coin actually a token that was flipped to determine the first possession in overtime This token played a large part in the event to follow in one of the most exciting finishes in Super Bowl histor

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    N.O.W. News, Spring 2011 (pg. 17)


    ned the practice it continued at the St Francis Rob Holsen the current change washer says the practice dates back to a time when coins were used more than bills The coins are washed with buckshot and soap He estimates he has cleaned 1 5 million in change in the past 20 years The Game Started With the Flip Coin Many of you watched on TV as officials tossed the Official NFL Licensed Super bowl XLV Game Coin to begin the Super Bowl game The coin toss is integral to the legend and lore of past and present Super Bowl battles The Packers won this year s coin toss making this the 1 4 th consecutive year in a row that the NFC champion has won the coin toss This stunning and authentic game toss coin is destined to be a rare memento from the world s most famous sporting event These coins

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    Coin World [02/06/1985] (pg. 68)


    COIN WORLD Wednesday February 6 1985 President tosses coin to open Super bowl It may seem hard to associ ate numismatics with football but when you consider that each contest must begin with a coin toss the connection is readily visible It has rarely been more visi ble than when as many as half of the nation s televisions were tuned to Super Bowl XIX pitt ing the San Franscico 49ers against the Miami Dolphins in Palo Alto Calif the medal to decide which team would

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    Coin World [08/22/1973] (pg. 149)


    Crossword Puzzle Answers c H E F B R A D K I T D A L 1 E A S E 0 T 0 S T I V E R S T 0 R S 0 E R G P E R U S fl 0 R E R E S E N T s T 0 W S C E N T s A 0 E w E D S C s A A E E M A T T T A P R E S U M E 0 R A R Y u R I S A 0 L Y c E 0 R 0 N A S E E R R A I D H 0 V A 0 N E S I N E I T E n Annoniielng a silver medallie series sf histsris sigeifisanse OFFICIAL ORDER FORM NFL Super bowl MEDALS Reserve limit 1 my Super Bowl medal set Enclosed is payment or charge 22 to my credit card for the first medal 25 after 10 15 73 and send medal with case for balance of set I will receive and pay for one medal a month for six suc ceeding months NO finance charge For credit card charge fill in below D Enclosed is payment in full 154 after 10 15 73 175 Reserve my

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    Coin World [09/26/1973] (pg. 73)


    Higher denomina tions a few years ago had a life expectancy of three to five years but inflation and the need for fives 10s and 20s to move into and out of wallets and money clips more rapidly probably has changed this i wit a silver medallie series sf historic signlf ioaese 1 Photos depict artist s illustrations and not finished medallions Typical reverse shows teams helmets and Super bowl Vince Lombardi Trophy MintAmerica OFFICIAL ORDER FORM NFL SUPER BOWL MEDALS Reserve limit 1 my Super Bowl medal set Enclosed is payment or charge 22 to my credit card for the first medal 25 after 10 15 73 and send medal with case for balance of set I will receive and pay for one medal a month for six suc ceeding months NO finance charge For credit card charge fill in below

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST 9PM EST No Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From mkringo aol com Sun Feb 12 17 29 52 2006Return Path lt MKRingo aol com gt X Sender MKRingo aol comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comReceived qmail 69488 invoked from network 13 Feb 2006 01 29 52 0000Received from unknown 66 218 67 36 by m34 grp scd yahoo com with QMQP 13 Feb 2006 01 29 52 0000Received from

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super


    ernative boundary Boundary_ ID_wtfGhtkp2NxZuNl6Syw7Pw X Priority 3X MSMail priority NormalReferences lt 20060213023921 21423 qmail web53107 mail yahoo com gt lt 04a301c6304a 6dae7220 f2fea8c0 DIANEJ33YVI95P gt X Originating IP 167 206 4 203X eGroups Msg Info 1 12 0 0From Ray Williams lt njraywms optonline net gt Subject Re Colonial Numismatics CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST 9PM EST No Super bowl CompetitionX Yahoo Group Post member u 78843690 y J_Qd6SYRUC_B_xiSudFKArmyCMyApfdFbSqG70UCVovQX Yahoo Profile njray2 Boundary_ ID_wtfGhtkp2NxZuNl6Syw7Pw Content type text plain charset iso 8859 1Content transfer encoding 7BITNope I went to another yahoo group and tried to enter the chat group and was unable Maybe with everyone snowed in the system is overloaded Being 10 00 most of

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST 9PM EST No Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From mkringo aol com Sun Feb 12 19 07 31 2006Return Path lt MKRingo aol com gt X Sender MKRingo aol comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comReceived qmail 4105 invoked from network 13 Feb 2006 03 07 31 0000Received from unknown 66 218 67 35 by m35 grp scd yahoo com with QMQP 13 Feb 2006 03 07 31 0000Received from u

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    The TNA News: March, 1984 (pg. 12)

    3/1/1984 Numismatics Periodicals

    junior readin roundup Texas Numismatic Association Todd Shewmaker Youth Chairman Rt W Box 2763 Boerne TX 78006 512 249 2432 I AM MAD Did you know that the United States has not struck a coin commemorating Pro Football s Super bowl The Super Bowl is one of the most prestigious events in all of sports The first Super Bowl was played in 1967 when the Green Bay Packers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 35 to 10 Past Super Bowls have been highlighted by upsets great players and great plays Just think how many coins could have been struck about these great events For example a coin commemorat ing the New York Jets upset o

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    LOOSE CHANGE FEBRUARY 14 2021 https www coinbooks org v24 esylum_v24n07a31 html LOOSE CHANGE FEBRUARY 14 2021Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest Editor The Great Super bowl Rings HeistA coin collection is involved too but the star of this heist story from ESPN is a cache of Super Bowl rings stolen in an elaborate burglary back in 2008 Worth a read EditorMurphy finds plenty before he even gets to the 6 foot solid steel safe boxes filled with 5 pound bags of beaded gold and silver sitting on tables sets of plastic trays with tiny drawers the kind you might u

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    HIGHLAND MINT STRIKES 2018 Super bowl COINS http www coinbooks org v21 esylum_v21n05a37 html Florida Today published an article January 26 2018 about the Melbourne FL company that makes the Super Bowl coin Editor It 226 128 153 s pretty amazing to think that Brevard County has played a role in the last 24 Super Bowls And it will again on Feb 4 to make it No 25 A Brevard made product is there from the very start wh

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    The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (pg. 43)

    1/24/1975 Numismatics; Periodicals

    SPECIAL OFFER BOWL The history of the Super bowl can be yours in a full color fact packed booklet for only 25 cents Plus you ll receive exciting news of the solid bronze Official NFL Super Bowl medals honoring your favorite Super Bowl team medals 10 each ironclad money back guarantee BONUS free presentation stand with each medal NO shipping charge ACTUAL SIZE OF MEDALS W Medals are a strictly limited issue only 1 000

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    Coin World [02/21/1994] (pg. 8)


    ling the letter I often found between the third and fourth letters of the word LIBERTY but also found between other let ters This week s Collectors Clearinghouse focuses on die chips reported thus far on 1994 Lincoln cents and older coins re cently discovered by readers of Coin World Q2 TOKEN from Page 1 token has an appeal not only to transporta tion token collectors but to collectors of Super bowl and Coca Cola memorabilia both of which are widely collected MARTA spokesman Terry Griffis said there was a large demand for the 1 25 tokens in Atlanta before the game and die week after Griffis said that during the week prior to the game many of the to kens were being purchased for use on MARTA S rail system However as Super Bowl weekend ap proached and fans of the Buffalo Bills and Dal

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    RE: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl Competition

    RE: [Colonial Numismatics] CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST/9PM EST-No Super Bowl Competition


    RE Colonial Numismatics CHAT ROOM TONIGHT 6PM PST 9PM EST No Super bowl Competition https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From copperclem comcast net Sun Feb 12 18 12 42 2006Return Path lt copperclem comcast net gt X Sender copperclem comcast netX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comReceived qmail 16775 invoked from network 13 Feb 2006 02 12 42 0000Received from unknown 66 218 66 218 by m28 grp scd yahoo com with QMQP 13 Feb

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics Re Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From leo_j_shane hotmail com Tue Feb 06 15 33 51 2018Return Path lt leo_j_shane hotmail com gt X Sender leo_j_shane hotmail comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comX Received qmail 16948 invoked by uid 102 6 Feb 2018 15 33 51 0000X Received from unknown HELO mtaq2 grp bf1 yahoo com 10 193 84 33 by m17 grp bf1 yahoo

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    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl

    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Super Bowl


    Re Colonial Numismatics Re Super bowl https groups yahoo com neo groups colonial coins info From njtodd7 yahoo com Tue Feb 06 16 50 10 2018Return Path lt njtodd7 yahoo com gt X Sender njtodd7 yahoo comX Apparently To colonial coins yahoogroups comX Received qmail 14975 invoked by uid 102 6 Feb 2018 16 50 10 0000X Received from unknown HELO mtaq3 grp bf1 yahoo com 10 193 84 142 by m10 grp bf1 yahoo com with SMTP 6

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    LOOSE CHANGE MARCH 1 2020 http www coinbooks org v23 esylum_v23n09a35 html Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest Editor NFL 100 Challenge Coin Sam Lombardo 39 s Super bowl LIV surprise didn 39 t end with the final tick of the clock at Hard Rock Stadium on Feb 2 On Tuesday Lombardo 39 s mail included an elegant coin and a heartfelt letter from National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell memorializing the retired Army lieutenant colonel 39 s participation in the coin toss for the contest between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs Lomba

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    LOOSE CHANGE MARCH 1 2020 http www coinbooks org v23 esylum_v23n09a35 html Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest Editor NFL 100 Challenge Coin Sam Lombardo 39 s Super bowl LIV surprise didn 39 t end with the final tick of the clock at Hard Rock Stadium on Feb 2 On Tuesday Lombardo 39 s mail included an elegant coin and a heartfelt letter from National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell memorializing the retired Army lieutenant colonel 39 s participation in the coin toss for the contest between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs Lomba

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    OLD SAN FRANCISCO MINT SPRUCED UP FOR Super bowl http www coinbooks org esylum_v19n06a20 html Tonight 39 s Super Bowl has a connection to numismatics beyond the opening coin flip As a result of the game and its surrounding festivities in San Francisco the Old San Francisco Mint building got an additional makeover just in time to greet throngs of out of town visitors Editor As recently as last summer the Old United States Mi

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    Coin World [03/04/1987] (pg. 64)


    prizes donat ed by the dealers were award ed hourly For additional information about the club contact Nicho las Szempruch at 4474 23rd Ave S W Naples Fla 33999 Jersey OKs copper The New Jersey Colonial Legislature in 1786 authorized the issue of the NOVA CAESAREA copper coin series based on the British system They circulated at a rate of 15 to the British shilling THE SPECIA L ISSUE Super bowl XXI TOR y NOTE Q A TO RE member o nuary 26 ib87 q gv S75 TICKET NFC VICTORY nEW YORK GIANTS 39 BILL PARCELLS COACH O THE NEW YORK GIANTS O 0 SUMMARY OF OAMK ggj Note honors Super Bowl Special Selectime faun Stive 7

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    Coin World [01/15/1975] (pg. 56)


    tion for 815 Carson County in the Texas Panhandle has commemorated the U S Bicentennial on bronze medals honoring Coronado s trek across the county in 1541 on the obverse and on the reverse depicting Panhandle history by combining an Indian a Spaniard and an early settler under the Tex as flag Examples are on display at the Square House Museum in Panhandle Tex The history of the Super bowl can be yours in a full color Vv fact packed booklet for only 25 cents Plus you ll receive exciting news of the solid bronze Official NFL Super o MEDaT Bowl medals honoring your favorite Super Bowl team medals 10 each ironclad money back guarantee ry m m BONUS free presentation stand with each medal NO shipping charge Medals are a strictly limited issue only 1 000 per tea

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    Coin World [01/08/1975] (pg. 20)


    s Ruby sale Part III are available for 3 from Superior Stamp Coin Co Inc 517 West 7th St Los Angeles Calif 90014 Prices realized will be supplied catalog buyers The auction which also includes the A J Ostheimer collection of Hawaiian coins and currency and other consignments will be held at Superior Galleries at the Los Angeles address on Feb 10 11 and 12 W The history of the Super bowl can be yours in a full color fact packed booklet for only 25 cents Plus you ll receive exciting news of 7 the solid bronze Official NFL Super QF MEDALS Bowl medals honoring your favorite Super Bowl team medals 10 each 7T ironclad money back guarantee nT ni BONUS free presentation stand with lUIJj 1 each medal NO shipping charge Medals are a strictly limited issue only 1 000 per

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    Coin World [03/05/1986] (pg. 100)


    COIN WORLD Wednesday March 5 1986 97 Super bowl XX champs appear on novelty note Collectors of novelty notes have another one to add to their collection released by the Marty Card Co The Super Bowl XX World Champion Chicago Bears Vic tory Dollar note is available for 1 It measures 4 5 by 8 5 inches in size and is printed on both sides on aged parchtone paper The face of the note shows a New England Patriots football player looking s

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