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The E-Sylum (6/27/2021)

Book Content


A new book on the coins of Sweden from 995 to 2021 is now available.Here's Google-translated information from the publisher's website.It is also available in the U.S. through Coin & Currency Institute.-Editor

COIN YEARBOOK 995-2021 - Pocket, A5 in color - Nominated for best coin book in the world by IAPN!

Myntårsboken 995-2021 book coverTHE COIN YEAR BOOK is printed in color and published as a paperback in A5 format and catalogs all Swedish coins from the Viking Age, the Middle Ages and up to the present day, royal medals and the Riksbank's banknotes from 1666 to today. The pocket version is SWEDISH GOLD COIN 1512-2020 and SWEDEN COIN BOOK 995-2022 compressed and uses the same serial number system to easily identify the coins. In addition, each coin has a specified concordance to older standard reference works. THE COIN YEAR BOOK is published annually with the latest price updates, new variants, misprintings, etc., in addition to the latest scientific findings in terms of attributions and re-attributions of coin masters and coin sites. THE COIN YEAR BOOK will be a living document that handles all changes on an ongoing basis to give you as a customer maximum benefit and insight into changes in the market.

Myntårsboken 995-2021 sample pages

COIN YEAR 995-2021 includes the following

  • Sweden 995-2021
  • Viking Age, Middle Ages & Modern Times
  • Comprehensive variant description with detailed pictures and explanations
  • Royal medals
  • The Riksbank's banknotes from 1666 to today
  • Rarity description based on 50 years of statistics
  • Number of known privately owned specimens
  • Provenance
  • Numbering according to SWEDEN COINBOOK (SMB) & SWEDEN GOLD COIN (SG)
  • With concordance to older standard reference works
  • Nominated for best coin book in the world by IAPN!
  • Color
  • 512 pages
  • Author Roberto Delzanno
  • Publisher Roberto Delzanno

Myntårsboken 995-2021 sample pages2

For more information, or to order, see:
Myntårsboken 995-2021 - A5, pocket, färg - 512 sidor - Nominerad till bästa myntbok i världen av IAPN!(
Swedish Coins Yearbook(

See also:
New Handbook on Swedish Coins and Banknotes Now Available(

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